One Lipsticked Blonde, Endless B-Roll

One Lipsticked Blonde, Endless B-Roll

Oh look, there's Paris Hilton in a bikini on Fox. Oh look, there she is bawling in the cop car on MSNBC (CNN's got Jack Cafferty on General Pace — we must have caught them at a fortuitous moment. Congrats, CNN!). Okay, back on MSNBC — is that Al Sharpton commenting on Paris now? And on Fox, there's B-roll of her riding on a motorcycle, low-cut pink dress flapping, as their "Back To Jail!" bug spins in the corner. Sound familiar? Paris Hilton = Anna Nicole Smith. News? Definitely. All-day news from ten different angles discussed by fifty zillion talking heads breathlessly talking over a constant breaking news alert? Um, for this guy, maybe.

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