John Edwards Channels GOP Politicians With Promise To Close Lincoln Bedroom

John Edwards Channels GOP Politicians With Promise To Close Lincoln Bedroom

Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards gave a speech in New Hampshire today, targeting "establishment elites" and repeating his call to remove lobbyists' money from the political process. The speech lambasted "the way we've always done it" and attempted to position Edwards as the candidate of change.

Unfortunately for Edwards, his language isn't as updated as his campaign platform. Edwards told the audience that "the American people deserve to know that their presidency is not for sale, the Lincoln Bedroom is not for rent." He's not the only politician who's promised to close that particular room in the White House. The Lincoln bedroom is a recurring political reference:

Bob Dole, 1996: "The White House is not for sale; the Lincoln bedroom is not for sale."

John McCain, 1997: "We never put up a 'For Rent' sign on the Lincoln Bedroom. It was not Motel 1600 when Bush and Reagan were president."

Dan Quayle, 1997: "Renting out the Lincoln Bedroom, oh, that was a mistake, it won't ever happen again...Well I'll tell you what--Bill Clinton, Al Gore--now that was a mistake and that will never happen again.

And most recently:

George W. Bush, 2000: "I believe they have had moved that sign the "Buck Stops Here" from the Oval Office desk to the "Buck Stops Here" on the Lincoln Bedroom."

Read more from Taylor Marsh here.

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