Controversial Reverend Pfleger Offered Double Dose On Clinton Vitriol

Controversial Reverend Pfleger Offered Double Dose On Clinton Vitriol

ABC News' Jake Tapper is reporting today that last week, Michael Pfleger, the bonkers Catholic attention-whore who insulted the Clintons from the pulpit of Trinity United Church of Christ, actually had some similarly insulting things to say about the Clinton's at his own church, St. Sabinas, because apparently everybody in Chicago has already had their souls saved and so all that time in Church can be spent cracking HILARIOUS political jokes. Via Tapper:

At his own church, St. Sabina's, Pfleger said, "Hillary and McCain would wish they had a preacher with the integrity of Jeremiah Wright. ... They got some old weak preacher...some old Joel Osteen cotton candy preacher."

If any of you want to feel the Stigmata Of Father Pfleger visited upon their own person this Sunday, feel free to cop a listen here. To Tapper, Pfleger's insult raises another question: "On March 2, Bill and Chelsea Clinton went to Joel Osteen's church in Houston. That's not cool? Something wrong with Osteen?" To me, the issue this whole series of incidents raises is this: Since all these people hate one another, why do we not have a teevee show where crazy priests hit each other with sticks?

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