Toys "R" Us Selling Gun Accessories (PICTURE)

Toys "R" Us Selling Gun Accessories (PICTURE)

If you happened to be perusing the Toys "R" Us website recently (as I often am), you may have come across an unusual item. No, not the new barbie totes (totes awesome, by the by) - that's par for the course. I'm referring to the whale of a sale they're currently having on laser boresights. What might they be? Oh, just your standard toy for children: an accessory for a rifle that aligns the barrel with the optical sight.

They had it listed 30 bucks. That's not a bad deal. Other toys stores like Bud's Gun Shop sell it for at least $66. No wonder they've removed the item from the site. They probably sold out. (via Tosh.0)

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