Marginize Makes Browsing The Web Social Not Solitary

Service Makes Browsing The Web Social Not Solitary

This post is part of a new series from HuffPostTech, Socialized, that will profile a different social startup--from apps to services to websites--every day. Want to be featured on the site? Email us about your startup, which should have a social media component and be less than two years old, at

The Internet is just one giant conversation--at least it is with Marginize, a Google Chrome extension that lets you put a sidebar on any website that acts as a hub for people to check in, comment, and see what everyone else is saying.

What it is: Marginize combines and collects popular social media features into a sidebar for any webpage you might visit. Complete with tweets, Facebook updates and Google Buzz comments, the sidebar lets you see who else has visited, what people are saying, or leave your own note.

How it works: Almost like Foursquare for the online space (if websites were like coffee shops), Marginize allows users to check-in to different sites, and even collect badges. Instead of mayors, the user that checks in most at any particular site becomes the "curator" for that page. Users set up profiles that let you see their recent activity, top-visited sites, and badges. It also collates Facebook likes and re-tweets.

On the website itself, the Marginize sidebar displays a stream of recent comments, a field to enter your own comments, and a record of recent visitors. They have also recently introduced a widget for web publishers to facilitate Marginize activities and spur activity.

Why you'd use it: Let's face it: Web browsing is more often than not a solitary pursuit. Instead of mooning at your screen surfing from page to page in an isolated daze, Marginize lets you feel like you're engaged in a real public conversation.

"The key motivation behind starting Marginize is freedom of expression," said Ziad Sultan, a founder of Marginize in a press release. "Marginize lets you connect with a bigger and more relevant audience -- people you don't know yet, who are visiting the same Web sites."

By keeping it in realtime, Marginize distinguishes itself from being simply a secondary commenting tool, opening up social sharing, creating an internal network, and introducing the game-like elements of Foursquare to web surfing.

How to get it: Just visit Marginize's website to try it out temporarily, or download the Google Chrome extension.

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