Inside Scientology-Backed Rehab Program Narconon

Inside Scientology's Rehab Program

L. Ron Hubbard was a strange candidate to emerge as the self-proclaimed scientific leader of one of the world's largest anti-addiction enterprises. His fondness for illicit substances was well known. Yet aside from his own ingestion of a wide variety of illegal drugs including mescaline, barbiturates, and coke--described in letters written by Hubbard and his son--the exact nature of Hubbard's "research" into addiction remains obscure. Hubbard claimed to have discovered in 1977 that the residue of L.S.D. and other "toxic" substances lingers in the body's tissues for months and even years after use; like tiny ticking time bombs, these remnants can explode at any moment, triggering a dangerous craving or disorienting flashback that, in turn, can lead to more drug use.

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