News of the World: The Fake Movie Trailer (VIDEO)

WATCH: News of the World Fake Movie Trailer

Arrests, resignations, lots of high-ranking officials and accented old fogies in suits -- this has all the makings of a juicy Scorsese film, not torrid real-life drama. As the "Hackgate" scandal came to a bust this morning with the televised emergency Parliamentary hearing with News Corporation CEO Rupert Murdoch -- who called today the "most humbling day of my life" -- a fake movie trailer has surfaced on the internet.

The cheeky trailer is a fairly rough production but its cast of characters is spot-on. Geoffrey Rush as Murdoch and Hugh Grant as David Cameron is pretty standard Anglo popcorn fare. But Colin Firth as Hugh Grant, Hilary Swank as James Murdoch and, most hilariously, a beleaguered-looking Mick Hucknall as Rebekah Wade (née Brooks)? Ace.

The thunderous end teaser for a movie that tags itself as "The News at the end of the World"?

"From the director of Alvin & the Chipmunks: The Squeakwel."


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