10 Creepy Laugh Therapy Videos From Around The World (VIDEO)

10 Creepy Laugh Therapy Videos From Around The World

Fact or fiction: the human body can't tell the difference between fake laughter and real laughter.

A lot of us would probably lean towards the latter assessment--after all, there's no better feeling than the side-splitting, tear-inducing ab workout you get from real, honest laughter. But thousands of people around the world who practice "laughter yoga," or "laughter therapy," would disagree. Invented in the mid-90s by Indian physician Madan Kataria, the practice is based on the principle that if people induce laughter in a social setting, their bodies will derive the same social and psychological benefits as when they're reacting to the real thing.

According to a 2010 New Yorker article on Kataria, over 250,000 participants and 5,000 certified "Laughter Leaders" around the world have jumped on board to practice and teach "laughter yoga" to others. Which also means that the internet is full of videos documenting the therapy. We selected 10, which should be more than enough to sufficiently creep you out.

Creepiest Laugh Therapy Videos

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