Zone 3

Here’s what you need to know about how sparkling water affects digestion and whether it’s safe to drink every day.
For decades, researchers have been studying the connection between food dyes and hyperactivity in children, and also links to cancer.
Nutritionists and dietitians are here to help you see past the buzzwords.
You might need to take a look in the toilet and get yourself to a doctor.
Here's what you should know about this increasingly popular — and incredibly sweet — drink.
“When you see the ring light come out, you know it's going to be a bad table."
Even if they’re well-meaning, these remarks can make some people feel judged, shamed and self-conscious.
Gastro doctors and dietitians explain how your diet may be making your bathroom problems worse.
Changing your diet can make a huge difference in kidney stone formation and recurrence.
And it costs absolutely nothing but a few minutes of patience.
You already know drinking coffee late in the day can keep you up. But you’ll be surprised at these sneaky sleep disruptors.
A fast food copycat, peanut butter ramen and two different versions of garlicky chicken.
Celebrity chef Andrew Zimmern is asking you to save them.
GI experts break down exactly why alcohol can trigger diarrhea, fecal urgency and other unpleasant side effects.
We asked three top longevity experts what’s in their grocery carts. Here’s what they told us.
Do you even know how many milligrams you eat per day?
These are the dishes first- and second-generation Chinese restaurant kids know not to order.
Lacking access to culturally appropriate foods can contribute to shame, mental health concerns and a loss of identity.
There’s good news, and there’s bad news.
"I came to a realization — there was no representation in food media doing what I do who looked like me — no Black men, no men of color, and no openly queer men."