Top Cat Names Of 2011 (PHOTOS)

PHOTOS: Top 25 Cat Names Of 2011

What did you name your pet? Some names are goofy or precious, and some may reflect an owner's tastes or interests. Yet some names are pretty timeless and appear quite commonly on the collars of our purring little friends.

If you're curious what other people name their pets, be sure to check out our cutest pets of 2011 slideshow.

Does your cat's name reflect where it came from? A recent poll by AP and suggests that most people get their pets as gifts or rescue them.

If you'd like to help a cat in need, consider adoption options with your local shelter, or by visiting and the ASPCA website.

If you think your pet has a unique name, check out Banfield Pet Hospital's list of the top 25 cat names for 2011, accompanied by some of our favorite cat pictures from this year. Be sure to vote for your favorites!

25. Sammy

25 Cat Names Of 2011

For more, visit AOL's Best of 2011.

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