Michele Bachmann Shows Off 'Titanium Spine' And Repeats 'I Was The Perfect Candidate'

Michele Bachmann Shows Off 'Titanium Spine' To HuffPost And Repeats ''I Was The Perfect Candidate'

WASHINGTON -- HuffPost's Howard Fineman and Zach Carter interviewed Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) during the 2012 Conservative Political Action Conference, a major annual event for the conservative movement.

Bachmann, a former candidate for the 2012 Republican nomination, was optimistic about the capacity of the Republican base to rally around whoever the final candidate to face President Barack Obama will be.

Her call for conservative comity comes amid a heated primary race, in which Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul all retain significant levels of support among Republicans.

The interview ended, however, with Bachmann showing off her "titanium spine" and reiterating that she "was the perfect candidate."

"There won't be any other core conservative that's running," she said. "America, you had your chance."

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