Britney Spears On 'X Factor': What Does This Mean For The Singer's Career?

Britney Spears On 'X Factor': What Does This Mean For The Singer's Career?

It was official, and then it was official again: Simon Cowell officially announced Britney Spears was joining "The X Factor" on May 14, making it clear that he was betting on America's reigning pop princess pull in stronger ratings for Season 2. But besides an extra $15 million, what does the move to television mean for the 30-year-old Spears, whose relationship with the medium ranges from the disastrous ("Britney & Kevin: Chaotic") to the brilliant (her "How I Met Your Mother" cameo)?

Below, two Huffington Post Celebrity editors sound off on what the news means for Spears' career: Kelly Fisher argues that the "X Factor" deal is a terrible idea for Spears, while Youyoung Lee argues that Spears could very well follow in the showbiz-savvy footsteps of Jennifer Lopez.

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