Pamela Geller, Anti-Muslim Activist, Blasts National Geographic Museum Exhibit For Romanticizing Islam

Exhibit Showcasing Muslim Contributions To Science, Art, Criticized For Revising History, Factual Inaccuracy

Anti-Muslim organizer Pamela Geller has joined forces with Justice Department attorney and author, J. Christian Adams, in a scathing critique of a National Geographic Museum exhibit on the contributions of Muslim scientists, the Washington City Paper reports.

The exhibit, called "1,001 Inventions: Discover the Golden Age of Muslim Civilization," debuted at the Washington, D.C. museum in August and will stay through February. Featuring a video starring Academy-Award winning actor Ben Kingsley, as well as various interactive displays, "1,001 Inventions" aims to explore basic science principles in fields such as optics, time-keeping, hydraulics, navigation, architecture, and math, according to its website.

Geller recently posted an article on her popular blog, Atlas Shrugs, in which she called the exhibit "Islamist propaganda" and "fabricated."

The historical revisionism of the exhibit, Geller states, is effective and dangerous, subversively brainwashing America's school children, thousands of whom will doubtless flock to the award-winning collection during its stay in the capital.

"It has indoctrinated hundreds of thousands of children into a rosy and romanticized view of Islam that makes them less appreciative of their own culture’s achievements and more complacent about Islamization in the West," Geller writes.

Sharia enforcement extends far beyond the obvious attempts to silence critics of jihad and sharia. The scrubbing of the 270 million victims of jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilations, and enslavements from academic texts has been going on for well over a decade. The demonization and smearing of politicians who dare speak against the most extreme and radical ideology on the face of the earth is virtually automatic at this point, as is the self-enforcing sharia compliance of the mainstream media.

Adams, who campaigned vigorously against Attorney General Eric Holder in a scandal involving the New Black Panther Party, calls the exhibit "slick" and "high-tech," but ultimately misleading.

In an article posted to, Adams writes that the "slipperiness of [the exhibit's language] poses a serious factual problem. "Indeed, language throughout the exhibit, as we shall see, becomes a way to trick attendees. Cleverly chosen words nudge readers toward unsupported conclusions. Myth mingles with science. Rumor becomes history."

Adams took particular offense to claims that Muslims invented the camera (Kingsley references the invention of camera obscura) and helped to pioneer flight, "1000 years before the Wright Brothers.”

According to Scientific American, a Muslim scientist in Cairo, Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Hayt, was the first to describe the camera obscura, the precursor to the modern camera. The anecdote about ancient flight, which references Abbas Ibn Firnas, was included in a History Channel list of "Ancient Discoveries."

Kathryn Keane, National Geographic's vice president of exhibitions, seemed unconcerned by the criticisms when approached by the City Paper for comment.

"Different visitors are going to have different reactions and interpretations of that content," Keane said. "And that's kind of the point."

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