Jan Brewer Urged By Civil Rights Groups To Steer Clear Of Values Voter Summit

Brewer Taking Heat Over Speaking Engagement
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R), responds to President Obama's immigration speech, Friday, June 15, 2012, at the Capitol in Phoenix. Brewer said President Barack Obama represents a "pre-emptive strike" aimed at an upcoming U.S. Supreme Court ruling that could uphold parts of the state's immigration enforcement law. (AP Photo/The Arizona Republic, Michael Schennum) MARICOPA COUNTY OUT; MAGS OUT; NO SALES
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R), responds to President Obama's immigration speech, Friday, June 15, 2012, at the Capitol in Phoenix. Brewer said President Barack Obama represents a "pre-emptive strike" aimed at an upcoming U.S. Supreme Court ruling that could uphold parts of the state's immigration enforcement law. (AP Photo/The Arizona Republic, Michael Schennum) MARICOPA COUNTY OUT; MAGS OUT; NO SALES

Civil rights groups are calling on Gov. Jan Brewer and other politicians to skip this weekend's Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., saying an event host spreads "demonizing lies" about the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered community.

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