Colbert To Mourdock & Rape Apologist GOPers: 'Stab Yourself In Your Eye' (VIDEO)

WATCH: Colbert Destroys Rape-Defending GOP Pols

Don't Republican politicians running for office, like Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock, know how much it pains Stephen Colbert when they spew ignorant claptrap about rape while running for office?

For some reason, giving rapists the benefit of the doubt has been totally en vogue this election season, most recently with Mourdock's comments during a debate in which he said he believes that "even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen."

Sadly, that meant that Stephen Colbert had to reset his "Days Without A GOP Rape Mention" counter back to zero.

But Stephen has advice for his fellow conservatives who think it might be a good idea to approach the subject of rape in a public forum: Just, don't. Ever. At all. And if you're tempted, just ram a pencil in your eye until you rid yourself of the idea that caveman ideas about sexual assault have any place in the public discourse.

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Stephen Colbert's War For Women

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