Birth Mother And Adopted Son Find Fun Family Quirk After Meeting Seventeen Years Later (VIDEO)

Birth Mother And Adopted Son Find Fun Family Quirk After Meeting Seventeen Years Later

Claudia D'Arcy gave up her son for adoption when he was four days old. Seventeen years later, she decided to track him down. She joined host Nancy Redd on a segment for HuffPost Live to discuss the process she took to find him, and what it was like to reunite. D’Arcy was overjoyed to discover that they had a lot in common, including a favorite family trait.

“Certain members of our family have this certain foot, with the little pegged toes," she said. "He stayed over my house, and the next day we’re hanging out on the porch. And the weather was warm and I look down at his foot, and I said ‘Oh my God, you have the foot.’ I have the foot, my brother has the foot, my youngest son has the foot, and my oldest son has the foot. You put the four feet together and it’s the same foot. It’s the funniest thing.”

Joining Redd and D’Arcy in the discussion were Leigh Reposa , an adoptee who found her birth mother, Cheryl Butler, an adoptive mother, and Mark livings, an adoptive father.

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