Barbecued Cicada Video Is Hilarious, Utterly Revolting

WATCH: Crazy Video Of Entomologist Barbecuing Cicadas

If you think eating barbecued cicadas is gross, try adding some pineapple, garlic, oil, red pepper flakes and salt to the insects, and maybe you'll change your mind.

Or...maybe not.

But entomologist David Moskowitz, who made this bizarre but fascinating video with his son Sam on Father's Day (cute!), wants you to keep an open mind.

The trick? Pull off the wings, keep the heat on low, and remove just as the eyes start to bulge. If prepared properly, the bugs should be chewy with a subtle nutty flavor, Moskowitz says.

Moskowitz, who lives in East Brunswick, N.J., has perfected his cicada-cooking skills throughout the years. When he first cooked cicadas at age 17, he crushed up the bugs, scrambled them with some eggs and made French toast, Sam told The Huffington Post.

(hat tip Storyful)

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