Family Guy's 'Chicken Fight' Gets A Live-Action Parody (VIDEO)

'Family Guy' Chicken Fight Gets Glorious IRL Remake

Fans of "Family Guy" are all-too-familiar with the 'fowl' antagonist to Peter Griffin, Ernie The Giant Chicken. The "chicken fight" sequences have given tongue-in-cheek tribute to just about every action trope in the book.

Now the long-running cartoon gag is getting a live-action, satirical tribute of its own, with a gender twist added for good measure. Check out the video above entitled "Epic Chick Fight," featuring stuntwomen Jessie Graff and Tree O'Toole in a comedic "fight to the death, crashing through walls, windows, and wreaking havoc on anything in their path."

See who finally wins the battle between Peter Griffin and Ernie The Giant Chicken in this live, female version of events.

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