'Suits': Harvey And Jessica Aren't Rid Of The Hessingtons After All (VIDEO)

'Suits': The Hessingtons Aren't So Gone After All

With the Hessington case over for the firm on "Suits," Jessica and Harvey thought they were finally rid of Darby and Ava Hessington. Alas, things were just getting started.

"Ava didn’t just fire us. She’s suing all of us for malpractice," Jessica said. Looks like there's a new case on the horizon, and this one is going to be far more unpleasant for the practice.

The AV Club's Carrie Raisler wasn't surprised at all that dissolving the partnership with Darby and company wasn't going to be that easy. "While it’s somewhat frustrating that Ava Hessington just won’t go away, it’s certainly not surprising, given the circumstances," she wrote. "The second Stephen Huntley’s role in the murders Ava was accused of was revealed, the show gave itself a huge story ace in the hole, one ready to be revealed at just the right moment. It’s classic 'Suits' storytelling, and for the most part it works.”

“It's these kind of twists that make me love this show even more each week," admitted TV Fanatic's Chandel Charles. "That twist forces everyone, even on their bad terms, to perhaps regroup and come together a bit to fight this, lest it ruin all of them at once. I am really looking forward to seeing how that comes together.”

See if the new suit creates a united front on "Suits." The midseason finale airs next Tuesday at 10 p.m. ET on USA.

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