Danny Quirk Paints Models Inside-Out For New York Fashion Week, Body Worlds Exhibit (NSFW PHOTOS)

Models Show Off Their Insides For Fashion Week (NSFW PHOTOS)

Finally, your dreams of having X-ray vision in Times Square came true.

Danny Quirk -- a body painter whose anatomically accurate illustrations went viral overnight -- spent Wednesday using latex paint and markers to peel back the layers of three models' flesh. By Thursday morning, the women looked like walking medical diagrams, showing off bits of muscle tissue, bone and veins.

They strutted their insides at New York City's Times Square, representing the Body Worlds exhibit for New York Fashion Week. Quirk said he took an interest in body painting after seeing the Body Worlds plastination process, which preserves skinless human figures to be put on display.

PHOTOS (Story continues below):

The Body Painting Process By Danny Quirk

Naturally, Quirk's first gutsy subject was his girlfriend. She wanted to be a zombie for Halloween, so he made her look like her back had been ripped off.

"I painted her up for shits and giggles -- and the photo went viral," Quirk told HuffPost Weird news. "I realized I could keep painting bodies for educational purposes. I'd been using them to teach myself anatomy anyway. They're 100-percent anatomically accurate where the exposed areas are."

After that, he got the gig with Body Worlds. The result is a living representation of a human's insides.

The models aren't unlike those at the exhibit, except they're alive. In plastination, bodies are embalmed and dissected, and "all bodily fluids and soluble fat in the specimens are then extracted and replaced through vacuum-forced impregnation with reactive resins and elastomers such as silicon rubber and epoxy," says Dr. Gunther von Hagens, who invented the process.

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