All Of Art History May Actually Be Inspired By David Lynch's Hair

Is All Of Art History Actually Inspired By David Lynch's Hair?

Breaking news, art historians both expert and amateur. The entire trajectory of art history as we know it may actually be derived from -- wait for it -- David Lynch's hair. That's right, the wonky film auteur, transcendental meditation guru and coffee enthusiast almost certainly launched centuries of artistic exploration with the graceful curves of his coveted coiffure.

For all the skeptics out there, we bear proof thanks to a San Francisco based Lynch fan and office employee named Jimmy Chen. Take a look at Chen's impressive evidence below, aligning masterpieces by artists including Monet, Twombly, and Hokusai with one of Lynch's signature 'dos. Thank you Jimmy, we officially see the ultimate truth.


"David Lynch's hair is stunning, surreal, and unabashedly serious in a playful way, which sort of implicates his films," Chen explained in an email to the Huffington Post. "It's hard not to see his hair as an extension of his art, and so it felt natural to compare such painterly locks to other great works."

Do you agree? Let us know in the comments.

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