12 Useless Diagrams To Make You Feel Better About Your Inscrutable Toaster Manual

12 Useless Diagrams To Make You Feel Better About Your Inscrutable Toaster Manual

You're attempting to decipher a diagram. Maybe it's to fix something with your internet connection; maybe you got a new toaster -- the specifics don't matter. Ostensibly, many people have navigated this diagram before. Dare we say, people far less intelligent than you. And yet that diagram appears entirely inscrutable.


In comes Josh Lewandowski, who finds inspiration in the absurd abstruseness of drawn diagrams. So much so, that every day since September 7, 2013, Lewandowski has been drafting an absolutely futile diagram of his own. The 3D doodles are full of twists and turns, levers and arrows, all eventually leading absolutely nowhere. They are unapologetically and gloriously useless.

Lewandowski, who when not drawing diagrams is the founder of furniture design firm Nordeast Industries, explained the origins of his project in an email to The Huffington Post. "Whether it was in a 6th grade English class, during a Peter Eisenman lecture in grad school, or when I should have been CADing while working at Robert A M Stern Architects: I was busy diagramming nonsense."

The delightfully pointless depictions draw attention to the appealing forms of so many illustrated directions, often tossed away with the brochure after their missions are accomplished. Finally the diagrams are being acknowledged for what they really are -- dysfunctional works of art.

"I draw my inspiration from architecture, furniture, engineering, geometry, cereal boxes, Lego instructions, and Etch A Sketch memories," Lewandowski added. "I always use pen and ink because erasing is for wimps."











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