Vegan PSA Hopes To Convince You Pigs Are Friends, Not Food

Vegan PSA Hopes To Convince You Pigs Are Friends, Not Food

Despite ample evidence that pigs are just as smart as some dogs, factory farm conditions remain abysmal, "ag-gag" laws are spreading and humans are eating more meat than ever. A new 30-second commercial from the Farm Sanctuary hopes to change that and remind the casual carnivore just how smart some of the animals we eat actually are.

The PSA highlights pig intelligence based on a 1997 study that showed the animals were just as adept at learning how to play a video game as chimpanzees. The animal advocacy group launched "The Someone Project" last year to point out the discrepancy between those animals humans hold dear and those we eat, despite emotional and cognitive similarities.

"This project is not a way to strong-arm people into going vegan overnight but giving them a fresh perspective and maybe making them a little uncomfortable," Lori Marino, the lead scientist behind the initiative, told the Associated Press.

Watch the video above, and if you're interested in going vegan, take a look at the Farm Sanctuary's primer on meat-free foods.

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