Colbert Mocks The Obvious Flaw In Fox News Segment

Colbert Mocks Fox News' Criticism Of Affirmative Action

Several Fox News hosts recently praised the Supreme Court's decision to uphold Michigan's ban on affirmative action, and Colbert noticed one problem.

"We don't need affirmative action because racial discrimination is officially over," the host joked on Thursday night. "Don't believe me? Just ask these other white people."

He proceeded to play clips of a Fox News guest, Eric Bolling and Andrea Tantaros all praising the Supreme Court ruling, which allows states to ban the use of race as a factor in college admissions. Tantaros said the decision was what Martin Luther King, Jr. himself would have wanted. In her words, King would have thought, "You know what, we don't need this because there is equality."

"That's right, African-Americans -- Dr. King said he might not make it to the promised land with you, but these guys did," Colbert said, referring to the Fox News hosts, "and they'll let you know how it is."

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