How Fatherhood Transforms A Man

How Fatherhood Transforms A Man

How does fatherhood change a man? Three dads from a variety of backgrounds -- both traditional and non-traditional -- shared their experiences with HuffPost Live.

DadChat founder Bruce Sallan explained to HuffPost Live's Ricky Camilleri that even though being a single father came with its challenges, having kids helped him gain a better understanding of himself.

"It made me smarter, it made me tougher, it made me more empathetic," Sallan said. "It made me finally start growing up, which I put off for as long as I could ... It totally changed my life."

Author and father of four daughters, Donald Silverman shared one of his favorite moments with his daughter, who is now a rabbi.

"(She) said to me, 'Daddy, when my kids are my age, I hope they love me as much as I love you.' And I thought that kind of completed my life," Silverman said.

Watch the full conversation about how fatherhood changed these three dads in the video below.


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