Stress Tip: Write An Old Friend

How A Pen And Paper Can Transform Your Whole Day

For 30 days, GPS for the Soul and meQuilibrium are providing you tips on how to live a healthier, happier and stress-free life. See the previous stress tips here.

meq tip 26

You're going to feel better when you take pen to paper or fingers to keyboard. Research shows that the act of writing alone -- just 15 to 20 minutes once a month -- can improve your mood and lower stress levels. It even has a positive influence on asthma symptoms and how long it takes wounds to heal. Note: This is expressive writing, where you get down thoughts, feelings, memories and observations (grocery lists and tweets about interrupted cable service probably won't cut it).

When you write an old friend, you strengthen your social connections. Letter-writing is like journaling with purpose -- in a way, it helps you strengthen your bonds. One study found that feeling disconnected is as damaging to our health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day! Much better to find an envelope and a stamp instead.

Read more on how to write your stress away.

--Posted by Lindsay Holmes

Before You Go

Living your life and chasing your ambitions can be thrilling, not stressful.

meQuilibrium's 10 Principles For Less Stress: A GPS Guide


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