Not as crappy as it looks.

You get thirsty eating all those peanuts.

An elephant in Botswana showed it had a lot in common with the average American canine when it started sucking up a trunk full of water from a toilet at the Elephant Sands Lounge.

There is a water hole nearby, but the water is salty so the more particular pachyderms prefer the taste of toilet water, Barcroft TV reports.

Even though elephants have the right of way at the lodge, some tourists are still shocked when the animals try to grab a drink when people are washing their hair in the shower, according to the Daily Mail.

Despite the invasion of privacy, visitors like Carina Blofeld, who took the videos, don't see an elephant drinking their toilet water as a crappy experience.

"It’s one of the best experiences you can ask for in the wild and as close to nature as you’re ever likely to get," she told Barcroft TV.

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