You Can Now Fat-Shame A Redditor And Not Feel Butt Hurt About It

New Oxford Dictionaries entries are more awesomesauce than beer-o'clock at a cat cafe.

Oh, the joys of living language.

Oxford Dictionaries Online, the branch of Oxford University Press that focuses on contemporary language and practical word usage, added a slew of new words and phrases in its 2015 update. Some of them are awesomesauce, and some of them are kind of weak sauce.

No, that's not microaggression on our part; we're just hangry because our fast-casual organic cupcakery hasn't opened for business yet. Also, our fur babies are still pretty butt hurt about the cakeage at our local cat cafe. Mx. Manic Pixie Dream Girl did not want to pay extra for bringing treats, mkay, bruh?

There are a lot of words in the update that relate to ways in which some Redditors abuse social justice warriors in some convoluted attempt to deradicalize them. We don't support that, or fat-shaming, or manspreading, whether it takes place in a subway car or a subreddit.

But at least we now have the officially sanctioned terms to talk about these things. No need to MacGyver terms on our own, no matter how glanceable we perceive our improvised lexical pwnage to be.

If you're confused about any of the new words in bold, you can go look them up online; but you won't find them in the actual Oxford English Dictionary.

Now if you'll excuse us, it's beer-o'clock. Mic drop.

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