Jazz Jennings Gets Personal About Transgender Bathroom Debate

"It’s complete discrimination and I feel like we’re going the wrong way in terms of progress.”

In tonight’s season finale of “I AM JAZZ,” transgender teen Jazz Jennings chats with a transgender woman living in North Carolina who is dealing with the anti-queer House Bill 2, archaic legislation in the state that discriminates against minority groups and prohibits trans people from using public restrooms that correspond with their gender identity.

In the above clip, Jennings meets up with the trans activist at a local donut shop that offers gender neutral restrooms and refuses to enforce House Bill 2.

“Seeing states like North Carolina enacting these bathroom bills that are banning transgender individuals from using the restrooms they identify as... it’s complete discrimination,”Jennings says. “I feel like we’re going the wrong way in terms of progress.”

Watch the season finale of “I AM JAZZ” tonight on TLC on Wednesday at 10 p.m. EST to see what else went down while Jennings.

Want to read more from Jennings? Head here to check out her interview with HuffPost Queer Voices.

Before You Go

1. Defining Transgenderism

15 Things To Know About Being Transgender By Nicholas M. Teich

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