How To Choose A Perfect Anti-Wrinkle Cream For Your Face?

Although you can't stop the natural aging process, you can successfully minimize your wrinkles and fine less as well as to slow down the formation of new ones.
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Our skin requires a lot of attention to stay youthful, supple, and plump, particularly when you notice wrinkles and fine lines. Although you can't stop the natural aging process, you can successfully minimize your wrinkles and fine less as well as to slow down the formation of new ones. The chances are high you've already considered getting new anti-wrinkle cream or your very first product of this type in general. In order to make the selection of new product less stressful, we're going to help you find the perfect anti-wrinkle cream for you.


Common causes of wrinkles

Wrinkle is a folding, fine line, or a crease on your skin and it usually develops in areas that are exposed to sun the most e.g. face, neck, hands, and forearms. Experts agree that wrinkles are a result of a combination of different factors, rather than one factor only. Here are the most common causes that contribute to formation of wrinkles and fine lines on your face:
Normal aging process - as you're getting older, collagen production decreases and your skin also loses its elasticity thus leading to sagginess and more pronounced lines and crevices.

Sun exposure - according to a study whose results were published in the Clinical, Cosmetic, and Investigational Dermatology about 80% of wrinkles on your face account for exposure to sun's harmful UV rays. Long-term sun exposure also leads to pigmentation, impaired skin elasticity, and yellowing. The study which included 300 participants also discovered that 2% increase in skin damage ages your face by 3 years. Exposure to UV rays breaks down connective tissues and make your skin lose its strength and elasticity

Smoking - it constricts your blood vessels thus impairing blood supply to your skin

Heredity - your genetics plays an important role in the formation of wrinkles. If your parents developed wrinkles earlier than some other people, the chances are high that you will too

Facial expressions - frowning, smiling, squinting can all contribute to fine lines and wrinkles. Each time you use a facial muscle a groove forms under the surface of your skin. When you're young, your skin springs back easily, but that ability starts to slow down as you get older.

Are anti-wrinkle creams effective?

Manufacturers promise a lot. Their products are usually advertised as highly effective for erasing wrinkles, but do these products really work? Science says yes. The study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that anti-wrinkle treatment is effective in addressing lines. The scientists examined the effectiveness of anti-wrinkle products on periorbital lines, and it included women aged between 30 and 70. The findings showed that products participants used (anti-wrinkle cream, eye cream, or night cream) significantly improved both mean roughness and average maximum roughness after 4 weeks.

According to Mayo Clinic, an efficacy of anti-wrinkle creams depends on ingredients it contains as well as how long you use them. It's important to bear in mind that anti-wrinkle creams aren't a magical solution that will take away your wrinkles in a matter of hours. They have to be applied regularly and twice a day (in the morning and before bedtime).

What you look for in an anti-wrinkle cream?


In order to get everything your anti-wrinkle cream has to offer, you have to know how to choose the right product properly. Here are some tips that will help you:

Read the label - the top anti-wrinkle creams are the one which contains the highest level of active ingredients. Although the list of ingredients might seem unnecessary to you because some ingredients have weird and unfamiliar names you should still do it. Use your smartphone to research the ingredient. Also, some manufacturers publish list of ingredients including their roles on official websites

Don't go by the price tag - just because some anti-wrinkle cream is expensive; it doesn't mean it's working

Check reviews - there's always a section for customer testimonials, but don't stop there, look for product reviews on other websites to see whether users really liked the product or not

Go for multi-purpose anti-wrinkle cream i.e. the product that does a lot more than minimizing wrinkles e.g. evens out your skin tone
Make sure the anti-wrinkle cream is manufactured by a reputable company

As it was mentioned already, reading the ingredient list is highly relevant. These are ingredients you should look for in anti-wrinkle creams:

AHA and BHA - act as exfoliants, remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of smooth, evenly pigmented new skin. Hydroxy acids also boost collagen production

Retinol - it helps skin create better and healthier skin cells. It also acts as an antioxidant

Vitamin C - another potent antioxidant and has the potential to protect skin from sun damage. According to a study published in the Experimental Dermatology, topical Vitamin C is an effective and well-tolerated treatment of photodamaged skin
Coenzyme Q10 - reduces fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and protect the skin from sun damage

Hyaluronic acid - moisturizes the skin

Niacinamide - antioxidant, reduces water loss in the skin, and improves skin elasticity

Peptides - ingredient widely used for wound healing, stretch marks, and wrinkles

Grape seed extract - antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties etc.

How to choose anti-wrinkle cream according to your skin?

Regardless of what skincare product you want to purchase, it's important to consider your skin type. Different skin types have different needs and to get the best effects, your product should have everything the skin needs.

For example, oily skin is very tricky when it comes to anti-wrinkle products because excess sebum production characterizes it, but anti-aging products usually contain oils and emollients. When buying anti-wrinkle cream, you should make sure it's formulated for oily skin or you can opt for the water-based product with the light texture. People with oily skin should look for anti-wrinkle creams containing salicylic acid. This ingredient acts as an exfoliator, unclogs pores, and accelerates skin renewal process all of which are necessary for youthful skin. Green tea extract is also recommended.

If your skin is dry or sensitive, you already know how difficult it is to find a perfect product because most skincare products cause irritations, redness, rash, etc. If you have dry or sensitive skin type, it is important to avoid retinol as it could additionally dry out your skin or cause irritations. Instead, you should look for products with retinol or retinaldehyde which are weaker or less-irritating forms of retinol. Also, you should make sure the anti-wrinkle cream is packed with antioxidants. People with dry or sensitive skin should opt for oil-based creams with thicker structure.


Anti-wrinkle creams are widely popular and according to scientific studies, they do carry a tremendous potential to address multiple signs of aging, minimize the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and slow down the formation of new ones. However, when buying these products, you should be careful as they aren't all created equal. Make sure your anti-wrinkle cream is packed with antioxidants and active ingredients that will do their "job" perfectly.

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