Allen Schmertzler on the ImageBlog

Allen Schmertzler on the ImageBlog
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Occupied By Politics, 2012"
Recently Published / Book Cover by Allen Schmertzler
original art acrylic on canvas - 24"w x 30"h

This painting was originally done as the next installment of "My Presidents" series which started with Eisenhower, the president when I was born. I have committed myself to paint every president I have lived under for the duration of my life and my ability to paint. The styles are similar for each. They are part autobiographical, part history, but more my interpretation of legacy. This painting has been in three of my solo exhibitions in the Portland, Oregon area, and has won an award for Political Commentary in the American Art Awards, 2013.

Book cover and page #99 from the book entilted, "Occupied By Politics, 2012", written, caricatured and produced by Allen Schmertzler: "The 44th a second time around, and My 11th Mr. President Drone”

Barack Obama is the one who can now “etch a sketch.” No longer and never again a candidate, he can focus on legacy. Perhaps the biggest surprise of his first term was how skillfully and non-traditionally he played commander-in-chief. By outsourcing boots on the ground to drones, Obama has brought war into the future, thereby eliminating alleged threats, not to mention news hour images that suggest we are a nation at war. However, ominously looming is the fact that technology remains way ahead of the societal discourse.

What will it mean when there are thousands of drones employed domestically, internationally, and universally. Is this today’s version of the Pandora box the atomic bomb opened?

Barack Obama has beat back the crazies and will be historically identified as a transformational figure. He will also own the “legacrazy” of DRONES.

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