Learning to Treasure Yourself

How many of us are leading TGV lifestyles? Racing through the countryside of our existences, failing to treasure some of the sweet, subtle nuances and gems along the way?
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Last week, I took the high speed TGV train from Cannes to Paris. I love the TGV (Train a Grande Vitesse) for its elegance, spacious comfort and style. The journey was rapid, enjoyable and brought us into Paris Gare du Lyon 15 minutes early. What is more, I avoided the inevitable lines to check in, pass through security controls and getting to and from an airport that flying would have required.

How many of us are leading TGV lifestyles? Racing through the countryside of our existences, failing to treasure some of the sweet, subtle nuances and gems along the way and arriving at our destination ahead of time? In the mad dash through life, do you stop to treasure yourself?

In replying to comments from myself and others, Deb and Ed Shapiro often write: Treasure yourself. It made me think. What would it mean to truly "treasure yourself"?

Do you treasure yourself by buying the latest computer gadget, fashion item or hot fudge sundae? Or if you are working with a budget these days, and monitoring your spending, how then do you treasure yourself? And what self are you treasuring? The demanding child in you that wants its way? The human spirit that you are that celebrates joy, enthusiasm or peace of mind? Maybe both.

The point is to appreciate the value that you are, so that treasuring yourself becomes a natural way of being for you. In my experience, the more I have been able to treasure myself, even through my doubts, weaknesses, failings and trials, the better able I have been able to treasure others. And it works the other way too. The more I focus on the treasure in others, the more I awaken to my own.

In response to my article last week "Wealth: A Broader View"
Dr Judith Rich commented:

"I feel extremely wealthy in my relationships, including the ones here on the Living page ... The experience of interacting here weekly with readers from all over the world has expanded my cup and filled it to running over. For this and so much more, I am extremely grateful. Gratitude, I believe, is an important key to experiencing the wealth to be found right in the moment."

What you choose to focus upon is what you will have more of. Why focus on the human treasure in yourself and others? Because it lifts the spirit. One of the greatest causes of ill-health seems to be stress. Lifting your spirit is a very good way alleviate life's stresses.

Here are some Treasures for you to consider:

1.Treasure your Thoughts
... with loving kindness. You are much greater than your thoughts, and yet your thoughts can inspire you. When they are dark, you do not have to dwell in them. Let them pass like clouds in the sky. Turn your attention to the goodness of the blessings in your life. Dwell in them. Nurture your thoughts of gratitude and appreciation.

Go to Ed and Deb's recent post for a beautiful Loving Kindness Meditation.

2. Treasure your Feelings and Emotions
.... observe them. Your senses bring this world alive for you; they inform and guide you. When you are in joy, celebrate your happiness. When sadness creeps in, watch that feeling and notice how it changes its color as you observe it. One of the greatest assets you can develop and grow is that of your intuition. Your intuition will tell you what is right for you, and when something does not quite fit. The still small "voice" of your feelings can prove to be a tremendous resource for successfully steering through your life.

3. Treasure your Body
.... treat it with the best foods that nourish you; give it the rest and relaxation that it needs; breathe deeply so that all of your cells are well enriched with life-giving oxygen; let it know your love and caring for all that it does to serve you; let it resonate with joy, play and laughter. What a very remarkable creation your body is! How does it know to grow hair and nails; beat your heart, breathe. Some say it is the temple for our spirit. It truly deserves that you honor it with your treasuring.

4. Treasure your Spirit
.... take time to be with your spirit. To walk regularly in fresh air; to observe the beauty in and around you; to meditate, or contemplate the goodness in your life; to breathe deeply and become aware of the miracle that you are. Your magnificent spirit will find gems in the most desolate wilderness of trial or tribulation. You can always potentially draw upon the love and wisdom of your spirit in times of difficulty. In one sense, your spirit has come along for the journey, to enjoy the ride of life; to learn and grow through it. It is this remarkable spirit which will sustain you throughout all of your experiences, fun or testing.

My motivation for writing about the many aspects of wealth comes from a pattern I have had that attributed to money values that it does not have. One of the greatest blessings in times of financial uncertainty is to re-evaluate your values and priorities in life. Wealth can come to mean much more for you than its usual dependency upon money and material resource alone. Visible riches are only a part of the wealth or well-being you can enjoy.

Know yourself. Be true to yourself. Honor your pace. Treasure yourself.
You will be glad that you did.

"One has just to be oneself. That's my basic message.

The moment you accept yourself as you are,
all burdens, all mountains simply disappear.

Then life is a sheer joy,
a festival of lights."


How do you presently treasure yourself? If there were one small way you could improve your care for yourself, what would it be? What do you most treasure within yourself? I would love to hear from you.

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