Kourtney Kardashian recently said she drank breast milk to keep from getting sick. Here's what doctors think.
Using takeout, chocolate or a glass of wine as your go-to “little treat” may seem like no big deal, but it might be messing with your psyche.
You can easily get trapped if you are not careful. Here’s what to know.
You and your family will be just as well nourished by these store-bought items as their homemade counterparts.


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“We have to fight like hell. Today, tomorrow and all the days after," she said.
The veteran newsman created the no-frills newscast in the 1970s.
After a week of wrangling, the bill will go to the Senate with a shorter renewal period than originally sought.
GOP senators mostly found creative ways to avoid criticizing the former president.
"Roberto believed that everyone can discover and nurture the artist within themselves."
Ironically, though, the former president did not join any of the Republican presidential primary debates.
Authorities said that Sade Robinson disappeared following a meeting with 33-year-old Maxwell Anderson.
The CNN anchor said the Fox News personality got “one thing” right about the fallout from Arizona’s abortion ruling.
“You make it sound worse than it was,” I replied, though as I said the words, I suddenly wasn’t so sure.
Overturning Roe set reproductive rights back 50 years. Arizona’s ruling sets it back 160.
"Air and Space Museum should have a plane emergency slide you can go down just to get to experience it"
Environmentalists called the reforms long overdue. Industry says they will drive small producers off of federal lands.

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