3 Ways SEO Firm 180 Fusion Uses Personas

3 Ways SEO Firm 180 Fusion Uses Personas
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Customer personas are a great way to get more out of the marketing efforts of your company. 63% of companies create content via buyer persona. They can be used in a variety of ways, once you have put them together into something you can actually use. What you have to keep in mind is that customer personas are based entirely off data and this data has to be regularly updated to make sure they’re still relevant.

Most companies use personas to help them make good marketing decisions. The SEO firm 180 Fusion is no exception. They use personas to accomplish a number of things. This guide is going to go into how they can be used to improve the prospects of your company.

To Bring in Targeted Traffic

The idea that you need to bring in as much traffic as possible is a thing of the past. You don’t want to do this because most of that traffic won’t be looking to buy anything from you. On the contrary, they’ll be more interested in leaving immediately. High bounce rates will only drive you down the rankings.

Customer personas help you to understand who you want to be bringing in. These are the people who’re going to spend a long time on your website.

180 Fusion goes out of its way to target these customers specifically. Once they’ve been brought in its relatively easy to keep them there through crafting a great website.

Finding the Right Keywords

A customer persona is not just figuring out that your perfect customer is a 45-year-old from Nebraska. It’s about studying their behavior and figuring out what they’re likely going to be searching for. It’s not important to optimize for every keyword. 180 Fusion always tells its customers to optimize only for a few select phrases.

It’s always better to bring in a lower number of people as long as those people are more likely to convert. Customer personas are a great way to find the right keywords.

Once you know who your perfect customer is you can use that same data to figure out what they’re searching for. How are they finding your website?

You can guarantee that the people that have found your website before are going to have a lot in common with people who haven’t yet discovered who you are. Using customer personas can help your company to spot trends in keyword use.

The CEO of 180 Fusion said, “We always use personas to better understand how certain audiences search for what they want. By finding out more about their behavior we can target more effective key phrases, which lead to more conversions and lower bounce rates.”

Understanding Customer Behavior

Customer behavior is an important thing to understand because no SEO campaign can be successful without a great website at the end of it. After finding out what customers are searching for you have to be able to give them what they’re looking for. Without that established website bounce rates are only going to go up.

When deciding where to rank websites Google is checking to make sure that searchers found what they want. The websites on the first page of Google all give their target markets what they want. Google studies bounce rates and the amount of time spent on a page/website to figure out whether websites are holding up their end of the bargain.

180 Fusion uses customer personas to figure out the behavior of customers in different industries. They also check the websites of their clients to make sure they’re actually giving a great user experience. Without that fantastic user experience in place, it doesn’t matter how good an SEO campaign is.

Keep in Mind that Personas Are Fluid

The most important aspect of personas to understand is that they’re always fluid. The customer now won’t be the same customer in six months. Their needs are going to change. Retaining customers in the long-term is all about being able to move with them.

Companies that stand still are always the first to die. If you want to keep your business up and running you have to be in harmony to what your customers want. The only way to do this is to constantly gather data and update your customer personas.


Customer personas are a wonderful way of learning about your target audience. They’re also critical for SEO purposes. Tap into customer personas today to make sure you’re getting the most out of your marketing campaign.

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