Bearded Ladies: ‘Having A Beard Means Not Living In Fear'

We've got a bearded man who meets his bearded mom, a world-record lady beard and a coiffed competitor on this week's podcast.

Beard is the new black!

Bearded ladies have been a cornerstone of sideshow and regarded with awe for centuries. But what's it like being a bearded lady today, and what does it mean to join a traveling sideshow?

It's all about having pride, according to finely coiffed legends such as Vivian Wheeler, who brought her 11 inches of facial hair onto this week's podcast.

Another guest, Little Bear the Bearded Lady, agreed.

"Women aren’t ever given the option of keeping it -- We’re given the option of how do you want it removed," said Little Bear, who spoke to us from a beard competition in Portland, Oregon. "I realized that i didn’t owe anybody my body or appearance... I owed myself happiness."

A Side Of Soul Photography

Little Bear!

On this week's Weird News podcast -- which you can download, rate, review and subscribe to on iTunes -- whiskered women let their hair down. We also spoke to Marc Hartzman, the author of "American Sideshow" and his new book, "The Embalmed Head Of Oliver Cromwell," who reminisced about a bearded man who met his long-lost bearded mom.

(Side note: If you're in NYC on Aug. 17, head over to the Morbid Anatomy Museum in Brooklyn and check out Hartzman's book launch event. This guy's a legend.)

See? Here at HuffPost Weird News, we're bringing people together, and bringing you all the stories that matter. But we couldn't do it without our beloved producer, Katelyn Bogucki, editor Jorge Corona and sound engineer Brad Shannon. We can't continue to do it without your support, so please stay tuned and give us a review, people!

Tom Hardy


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