6 Ways to Boost Your Blog's Visibility in 2016

6 Ways to Boost Your Blog's Visibility in 2016
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Building a successful blog comes with challenges, successes and errors that can eventually weave into a business if approached with the right strategies. Beyond creating content and impressive brand designs, the overall purpose of a blog, especially if you're looking to turn it into a profitable business is to build traffic, overall online visibility and become profitable in the process.

No blogger enjoys spending hours creating content with little or no views to show for it. If the ultimate goal for you is to build a successful blog, then you'll need to constantly reinvent yourself, while applying the right strategies and connecting with experts in your niche.

While there are several ways to boost the visibility of your blog, below are five sure fire tips you need to apply in 2016.

1.Offer Valuable Content

There's no doubt that content is King. Before creating content, it's important to consider the value it adds to your readers. With billions of information lurking around the web space, people are always searching for the right sources that can help them solve their problems. The question remains- Are you their go-to source and the solution to their problems?

Create an outline for your blog's content and a strategy to achieve each goal. Start by crafting your overall purpose, listen to the concerns of your readers and those in your niche, build an editorial calendar and create a consistent approach towards valuable content that eventually converts readers to customers.

For every purposeful and value addition you create on your blog, you're more likely to be linked to by experts and other blogs. The more concrete websites you have linking back to your website, the better your blog's SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and ranking on Google.

2.Create a Lead Magnet

Lead magnets have been proven to lure readers into happily dropping their emails in newsletters. Well, not just any lead magnet, but concrete and valuable ones that would keep those clients sticking to your train and spreading the good news about your blog.

According to entrepreneur and lead magnet expert Melanie Duncan, in order to create a strong resource for your audience, you should take into account factors such as their unique preferences, strengths and skills.

Don't spend time creating a mediocre opt-in freebie, instead make sure it's compelling and relevant to your target audience. Options for lead magnets include E-books, checklists, discounts, and access to an online free library resource, just to mention a few. Take it a step further by including a link to your lead magnet on all your social media bios, in order to signify potential readers/clients about your offerings.

3.Promote and Engage on Social Media

Creating valuable content isn't enough especially when no one reads them. In order for your blog to be visible, you also need to stretch beyond your comfort zone. Take out time to promote the content you've created and engage with other bloggers in your niche. Use apps like Hootsuite and Buffer to schedule your content as many times as possible throughout the week.

Beyond just writing a bunch of texts, consider expanding your information by sharing tips on platforms like Periscope.

Creative entrepreneurs Tiphanni Montgomery and Mattie James of Mattieologie have testified about the impact of Periscope on their brand as a whole and how it helps with community building and exposure.

Most people would engage more when they know the face behind a brand and hear directly from the horses' mouth. Position yourself as an expert while delivering valuable information that is beneficial to your target audience.

Social media isn't just for putting out daily information, but also engaging with your community and others in your niche. Don't just sit back and wonder why your blog isn't making progress. Look for where your target audience hangs out on the web, engage with them and build your tribe.

4.Partner with Other Bloggers and Experts in Your Niche

Partnerships and collaborations do more good than competition. In order to thrive both in life and as a blogger, you must be willing to network with others in your field. Reach out to fellow bloggers and share an idea that would benefit both parties and also add value to their readers. According to Hubspot, this requires awakening your journalistic tendencies for better content marketing results and visibility.

By consistently building your strings of network, you'll gradually get your voice heard. Most importantly, you'll be tapping into their diverse pool of audience as they share in yours, thereby creating a win-win opportunity.

Start by creating a list of bloggers and businesses that compliment your blog and start planning on ways you can partner with them. Kick off a relationship by following them on social media and getting involved in their online activities. Simple ways can be by sharing their content and leaving comments on their blogs.

Consider writing about these bloggers, experts or their businesses on your blog, then link to their blogs and notify them on social media. Most bloggers and businesses often appreciate the free publicity and would be willing to probably connect through guest post opportunities, interviews and maybe a meet up at some point.

5.Go the Extra Mile: Incorporate Podcasts, Guest Post, Host Webinars & Videos

In this present day, people are hungry for different versions of content. Sometimes, it can be daunting reading information and most people would just prefer watching it in split minutes, while engaging with the voice or face behind the blog/brand.

Go the extra mile by creating consistent podcasts episodes, guest posting on reputable platforms, hosting webinars and generally interacting with your audience in other ways that make them feel like they are part of a thriving community. Choose the additional mediums that work for you, create content around them and expand your reach.

6.Build a Community

People really love to be part of something more than a blog. They want to be involved in a community and movement. They want to be inspired and engage with other like minded people. Start by responding to comments on your blog, other social media platforms and creating a bond that could lead to community building.

This is a great way to start listening to some questions, concerns and problems your readers might have. Melyssa Griffin has done a great job by creating a community around her brand and building a thriving six figure business.

This approach undoubtedly drives engagement, builds visibility for the entrepreneur and increases blog traffic.

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