Climate Change This Week: Zombie Jellyfish, Population-Climate Change Bomb, and More!

Climate Change This Week: Zombie Jellyfish, Population-Climate Change Bomb, and More!
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Jellyfish Take Over As Humans Overfish And Change Climate notes Tim Flannery at the New York Review of Books. These zombie-like, sometimes lethal creatures can reproduce clonally and "de-grow" in bad times; one species, if shredded, can even re-form and regrow - it's licked the "eternal youth" challenge. Once dominating ancient oceans, they are once again starting to dominate - including the lethal ones - with a lot of help from us. Pass the braised jellyfish, please!

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Small, highly lethal jellyfish, such as the box jelly (right) are also spreading; some have been now sighted near Florida. Credits:left, Oilstreet, and right, GuidoGautasch at wikimedia commons.

US Fracking Creates Nearly 300 Billion Gallons Annually Of Toxic Waste, sometimes radioactive, says a new report, notes Katie Valentine at Climate Progress - enough flood Washington DC. (Ooooh, what a tempting thought!) Widespread environmental damage on an unimaginable scale has been uncovered from surface and underground leaks during storage. Glass of water, anyone?

The Population-Climate Change Bomb: Can We Finally Talk Seriously? Queries Chris Mooney to Alan Weisman, author of the new book Countdown: in an audio podcast at Climate Desk. It's certainly time. Different nations are growing at dramatically different rates, but human expansion is driving climate change, destruction of our life-support ecosystems, and extinction of plants and animals. The solution? Make reproductive resources and choices available to women worldwide, says Weisman.

Oceans Declining Alarmingly Faster Than Thought: Warmer, More Acidic AND Anoxic say scientists of two reputable international scientific organizations in a new review, reports Mariette Le Roux at Agence France Presse. Global warming is behind this deadly trio of factors, with help from farming nutrient runoff, a big factor in the spreading anoxic "dead zones" along coasts worldwide. Mass marine extinctions may have already started, the report said. You see, kids, there were once these beautiful things, called sea shells, fish and corals - look, here's a book with pictures...


Nutrient runoff from using fertilizers creates coastal dead zones, costing the US over $2.2 billion yearly - and growing. Screen capture by Mary Ellen Harte from the youtube, Nutrient Runoff, by UNEP and featuring Jim Toomey, cartoonist of the comic strip Sherman's Lagoon.

Maintaining Rich Urban Biodiversity Fights Climate Change, Food and Water Scarcity a new UN analysis says, reports the UN Enivronmental Programme. It is important to develop and incorporate already existing green spaces into the functional infrastructure of a city. Preservation of larger outlying green areas, green corridors that connect larger green patches, green roofs and conversion of "brownfields", or land previously used for industrial purposes or certain commercial uses, can also be used as carbon sinks rather than emission sources. Green is a winning color....

Quote of the Week:

"This is the sweet spot in time. Because never before could we know what we know, and never again will we have a chance, as good as we have now, to really make a difference."

OO Sylvia Earle, Oceanographer, in the podcast episode, This Woman Has Spent Almost a Year of Her Life Under Water, of Climate Desk's new series, Inquiring Minds.

Sylvia Earle gets ready for a deepsea submersible dive in Panama. Credit Kip Evans-Mission Blue

☼☼☼ On the Bright Side ☼☼☼

(>(>(> People Speak Out

OO College Student Sues Alaska Over Climate Change

OO Industry Captains Converge, Crusade On Conquering Climate Change : Steyer, Bloomberg, & Paulson

OO Japan: Ex-PM And Current Environment Minister Speak Out Against Nuclear Power

OO 'Carbon Budget' Talks Urgent, Warns Lord Stern

OO Man From Low-Lying Island Nation Fights For Climate Refugee Status

OO UK Scientists Say Environmental Secretary "Irresponsible and Immoral" for Downplaying Global Warming

Credit Paul K. Anderson

OO USA: Coal Fields To Coast, A Totem Pole Rallies Tribes Against Exports

OO 300 People Come Together To Build Local Solar Project

OO To Hell With the Gov't Shutdown, Let's Create Some Cleantech Wealth

OO Low Carbon Economy Technologically Feasible says Council for Scientific and Industrial Research scientist Bob Scholes.

OO IPCC Model Global Warming Projections Have Done Much Better Than You Think


If you looked at this like a stockbroker, how "promising" would you say Global Warming is? Credit Mary Ellen Harte

OO Tracking Global Warming Trends? Think Like A Stockbroker In climate science, as with the stock market, the long-term trend completely overwhelms short-term fluctuations. Don't let the variability confuse you.

OO US Company Surpasses Milestone: 100 MW of Grid-Scale Energy Storage

OO $8M Raised From Billionaires Khosla, Bill Gates for US Digital Smart Grid


OO Sun Can Supply 10% Of World Energy By 2025 say two reputable British scientists, and their Sunpower Programme shows how to do it.

OO Washington DC Massively Expands Residents' Ability To Use Solar Power - at least somebody over there is doing something constructive...

OO Embattled DOE Loan Program Opens for Business Again

*****Ready to Invest Your Bucks in Solar? Check out Mosaic opportunities here!

OO California: Government Is Open, Making Clean Energy Available To More Residents

OO Friction Over 'Fracking' Grows In South

OO New England: Native Tribes' Traditional Knowledge Can Help Us Adapt To Climate Change


OO Indiana Winery Turning To The Sun For Power

OO In Tampa, A Power Company Fights The Squeeze Of Slower Growth

OO Kentucky: Power Utilities Plan New Gas Plant, Small Solar Generator


Ozone causing ChloroFluoroCarbons in refrigerators et al were outlawed, replaced by potent greenhouse gases HydroFluoroCarbons, which are now being limited. Credit Mary Ellen Harte

OO Nations Are Agreeing to Limit Greenhouse HFCs Emissions

OO UN Group Moves To Develop Global Airline Emission Rules

OO UNEP to Host Major South-South Green Solutions Development Expo in Nairobi Delivering Successful Green Solutions from the South to the World


OO China Offers Tax Rebates On Solar Power

OO China: Encouraging Urban Rooftop Gardens

OO Indonesia: Peatland Management Could Prevent Fires, Carbon Emissions

OO Indonesia: Celebrities Fundraise To Protect Orangutan Carbon-Capturing Borneo Forests


"Now that's a car I can REALLY get into!!!" Credit, left,; right, wikimedia commons.

OO Australia: Girls 'Go For Men With Green Cars' - want to check out my Tesla, baby?

OO Australia: Renewable Energy Technology The Key To Climate Change

OO Guyana: In Carbon Sequestration, Money Grows On Trees


OO UK: Ikea Will Start Selling Solar Panels In All British Stores

OO Germany: Daimler Group To Spend $500 Million On Filling Stations For Fuel-Cell Cars

OO Scotland: Clean, Green And Unobtrusive, Wave And Tidal Energy Projects Appeal


The flag flies, May 21, 2013.

At Moore, OK, the day after a huge tornado demolished it.
Credit Major Jon Quinlan/
***** US Climate Change News *****

Credit Yair Haklai via wikimedia commons

@@ Think About It @@

OO What the Scopes Trial Teaches Us About Climate-Change Denial - when faced with the uncertainty of an ominous future, some retreat to the comforting illusion of certainty in the past.

OO Three Things We Aren't As Sure Of As Climate Change, But Believe Anyway : reading in the dark is bad for your eyes, vitamins are good for you, and drinking during pregnancy is bad. If you believe those, why not climate change?

OO 50 Years After Its Discovery, Acid Rain Has Lessons for Climate Change


OO Why Harvard's Reasons For Not Divesting From Fossil Fuels Are Wrong

OO Trans-Pacific Partnership, Biggest Trade Pact Yet, Could Up Climate Change if it promotes trade of fossil fuels; total transparency with the US public is needed.

OO Monsanto Is Getting Into The Climate Data Business - to create seeds better adapted to climate change.

<><><> GOPPING It Up <><><>

==== The Shutdown ====, center

Nobody's minding the Store: with the EPA closed, Waste water treatment plants can't be monitored or inspected. Via Climate Central, Credit Mario Toma/Getty Images

OO Government Shutdown Closes EPA

OO Government Shutdown To Hurt Morale, Former EPA Officials Warn

OO Shutdown Could Delay EPA Renewable Fuel Standard


OO Government Shutdown Affects Weather, Climate Programs

OO Government Shutdown Impacts Obama's Climate Agenda

OO With US Shutdown, US Sciences Does, Too


OO What The Shutdown Means For Energy And Environmental Programs

OO With US Govt Shut Down, Colorado Must Use Own Money To Rebuild

OO Shutdown Silences Weather And Climate Social Media


... except for drilling and mining... panorama Credit Frank Kovalcheck via wikimedia commons.

OO US National Parks Hit By Shutdown Still Open For Drilling

OO National Parks Closed, Yet House GOP Move To Sell Off 3+ Million Acres Of Public Lands

<><><>GOPPING It Up More ...

OO Koch-Backed Right-Wing Groups Celebrate Killing A Good Energy Nomination - the way they're acting, you'd think they're high on Koch...

OO Conservative Group Harasses Climate Change Scientists with Suit for Emails - why does this sound like a replay? Because it is - remember Michael Mann?

OO Internal Watchdog Confirms: GOP Probe Into EPA Emails Revealed Nothing - your taxpayer dollars hard at work...on a gerbil wheel...


OO EPA Uncovers Fraud, GOP Attacks EPA Instead - once again, the GOP bares its IQ.

OO Utah Suffers Drought, But Its GOP Senator Decries Water Restrictions -say, what? Use water freely as you're drying up? Who elected this guy?

OO A Renewable Energy Tax Credit May Die at End of 2013


OO Live In A Heavily Fracked Area? Watch Out For STDs - energy booms attract all sorts of business, including sex.

OO Pennsylvania: Fracking May Be Polluting River with Radioactive Waste

OO West Pensylvannia Forests Being Fragmented By Gas Drilling


OO Frackers Guzzle Water As Texas Goes Thirsty

OO Potential Effects Of Fracking Worry Front Range Families


OO Ottawa Using US Govt Shutdown To Promote Keystone XL Pipeline

OO Transcanada To Finish Southern Keystone Line By End of October 2013

OO BP Tries To Argue Away Half The Oil It Spilled To Save Billions

☼☼☼Acting Like You Care: The XL Keystone pipeline will make possible far more climate change, but President Obama might okay it anyway. Credo, and others are asking people to stand up and be counted as nonviolent resisters or help in other ways. I did. If you ever wanted to do something big for your future, now's your chance - here.

OO US Now No. 1 Global Merchant Of Climate Change!!! - uh, whoopee?

OO New EPA Emissions' Regs Pack Little Punch on Climate

OO House Democrats Call For Hearing On Oil, Gas Spills In Colorado Floods

Okay, everybody: 1, 2, 3 and.... PUSH! Via

OO Officials Weigh Options To Protect US Airports From Sea Level Rise

OO US Fed Flood Insurance Rates To Rise In Warming World

OO 'Cynical' Market Shrugs Off Latest Climate Warning On Fossil Fuels - greed can make dangerous fools of normally very smart people.


OO Private Firefighters Save Wealthy Homes From Wildfires - Saving Poor's Becomes Harder

OO Washington State: Pollock, Salmon And Global Warming - The Trick Of Sustainability


OO Washington State: The Local Election That Could Determine The Future Of US Coal

OO Unusually Early Storm Brings Tornado To The Pacific Northwest

OO 'Atmospheric River' Smashes Records in Pacific Northwest

A giant atmospheric river brought record-breaking rain to Seattle recently. Credit University of Wisconsin, via Facebook/Stu Ostro.

OO Wisconsin County To Try Adapting To Climate Change

OO Texas Votes To Let Major Estuary Go Dry, While Austin Still Waters Its Lawns

OO Alaska Hunts Oil As Arctic Damage Shows Most Change From Climate


OO California: Yosemite's Largest Ice Mass Is Melting Fast

OO Michigan: Warming Lake Superior Prompts Tribe To Try New Fish

OO Maine: Lobstermen Threatened By Climate Change And Canada


Via the University of East Anglia Climate Change webpage
<<<< Climate Change Round the World >>>>

OO Exactly What IS the IPCC?

OO More Dangers From Fracking: IPCC Warns Methane Traps Much More Heat Than We Thought

OO Surprise, Surprise: Global Warming Skeptical Media Miss Main IPCC Message - with inaccurate headlines.


OO Politically Pressured IPCC Report Likely Underestimates Continuing Climate Change

OO IPCC Likely Underestimates Climate Change, Needs Overhaul, Say Scientists

OO The REAL Budget Crisis: 'CO2 Emissions Budget Framing Could Delay Concrete Action Now'


OO Clock Is Ticking On Fossil Fuels: IPCC Scientists Outline Global Carbon Budget

OO Govts Should Respond To Ocean Acidification 'As Urgently As National Security Threats'

OO Australia: Koala Bears Will Be Decimated As Climate Change Bites

Credit "Australian", written in Russian, at wikimedia commons

OO Australia: Heat Is On As Costs Of Tackling Global Warming Set To Soar

OO Australia Has its Hottest September; Fire Threat Grows

OO Australia: Overhauls Set Scientists On Edge


OO Europe Increases Appetite For Coal As US Rejects It

OO Spanish Coast Tremors May Be Linked To Huge Offshore Gas Storage Plant

OO Clean Energy Germany: A Black Eye From Brown Coal


OO Canada: Environment Minister Casts Doubt On Climate Change

OO Britain's Uses Behavioral Science to Speed Green Deal

OO Sweden: Wave Of Jellyfish Shuts Down Nuke Reactor

Credit Miketsu Kunibito via wikimedia commons

OO Canada: Newfoundland's Fisheries Not Immune To Climate Change

OO Canada: Enbridge Planning $1-Billion Pipeline To Boost Oil Sands Growth

OO Canada: Mercury Increasing In Birds Downstream of Oil Sands


OO Japan: Without Nuclear Power, CO2 Emissions Rise

OO Russia Charges 30 With Piracy Over Greenpeace Arctic Protest

OO Russia: As Land Oil Dries Up, Oilmen Look To Arctic Waters


Can you imagine a giant oil slick across this? Credit USGS at flickr via Mother Jones

OO Climate Change Could Increase Diarrheal Disease In Botswana

OO Ecuador: 100+ Scientists Warn Govt Not To Drill In Natl Park

OO Brazil Regressing on Environmental Priorities


OO China's Synthetic Natural Gas Plants Could Accelerate Climate Change - but turning coal into natural gas requires lots of water, which China doesn't have.

OO Coal Railway Could Cause 'Ecological Disaster' In Indonesian Borneo


OO Indonesia, EU Sign Historic Deal To End The Illegal Timber Trade

OO Indonesia: Palm Oil Destroying Borneo Carbon-Capturing Forests AND Rare Pygmy Elephant


Ten Global Warming Indicators. Credit NOAA


(((((((( Seeking the Science ))))))))

OO The 5 Most Sobering Charts From The IPCC Climate Report A simple graphic guide thru a long complex document.

OO Historic Ocean Acidification Levels: 'Next Mass Extinction May Have Already Begun'

OO Climate report: IPCC Almosts Doubles Sea Rise Estimate


OO What the New IPCC Report Means for Europe - not good news.

OO We've Already Used Up Over Half Our Carbon Budget Says IPCC - giving us probably only a few decades to dramatically change course to avert far more catastrophic climate change.

OO Hotter Summers Mean More Health Risks In Urban Heat Islands


OO Season Of Smoke: Changing Climate Leads To Bigger, Smokier Wildfires


Noctiluca red algal blooms can turn toxic.Credit Marufish at wikimedia commons

OO Toxic Algal Blooms And Warming Waters: The Climate Connection

OO Earth, 2100 AD: Four Futures Of Environment And Society

OO Climate Science: Clouds Of (Slightly Less) Unknowing


OO Warmer Seas May Raise Mercury In Fish

OO Poles Apart: Sea Ice Melts - And Grows Scientists think climate change can explain both phenomena.

OO Forests Increasingly Limited To Steeper Slopes


OO Ireland Might Be Losing Its Green

OO Robots Hunt Jellyfish--And Then Liquify Them - yes, but since jellyfish can clone from sea bottoms, and sometimes even re-assemble themselves, what's the point of using more energy on a questionable quest?


@@@ Climate Change in the Media @@@
Via Climate Nexus

@@ Video: Nutrient Runoff: Two Minutes on Oceans with Sherman's Lagoon Cartoonist Jim Toomey - a great youtuber on something that, in combo with climate change, is decimating our oceans...


Screen capture from Nutrient Runoff

@@ WATCH: What's Really Going on With Arctic Sea Ice?

@@ Video: Edward Burtynsky and Jennifer Baichwal's new documentary, Watermark

@@ Great Graphics: The Most Detailed Visuals of Hurricane Sandy, Revealed


A 3D Image of Hurricane Sandy. Credit University of Colorado Atmospheric Research

@@ More Great Graphics: The Shutdown, Toxic Fracking Fluid, Aussie Heat & More

OO @@ WEEKLY CLIMATE CHANGE VIDEO SERIES!! @@ Entitled "In Case You Missed It" via the good folks at Climate Nexus on Vimeo - select headlines delivered in less than 90 seconds with good graphics. Cool watching -- spread the word!!
!!!! Want to Save Energy & Help the Planet? Check out these helpful EPA Climate Change youtubers here! !!!!
@@ At Last, a Green Radio Show to counter the Lush Bimbaugh wasteland. Check out On the Green Front with Betsy Rosenberg at Progressive Radio Network to keep updated on climate change, and other green topics.
@@ Video: America's Dangerous Pipelines - the title says it all; compelling ....
To help you understand just what science does and does NOT do, check this out!

Every day is Earth Day, folks, as I was reminded by these Arctic berries I photographed one late summer. Making the U.S. a global clean energy leader will ensure a heck of a lot more jobs, and a clean, safe future. If you'd like to join the increasing numbers of people who want to TELL Congress that they will vote for clean energy candidates you can do so here. It's our way of letting Congress know there's a strong clean energy voting bloc out there. For more detailed summaries of the above and other climate change items, audio podcasts and texts are freely available.


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