Survey Questions from Hillary Clinton's Web Polling

Survey Questions from Hillary Clinton's Web Polling
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This survey is just for research purposes. It is not for fundraising purposes and you will not be asked for any money during the survey. The survey is strictly confidential, and your answers will be combined with many others whose opinions we want.

Do you consider yourself a Democrat, Republican, or Independent?




Other _____

Do you consider yourself a strong Democrat, or do you lean towards Democrats?

Strong Democrat

Lean Democrat

Don't know

What is your gender?



In general, do you think things in the country are going in the right direction or are they on the wrong track?

Right Direction

Wrong Track

Don't know

What is the most important issue facing the country?

War in Iraq


Nuclear weapons proliferation WMD, weapons of mass destruction

Ethics in government, corruption campaign finance reform

Social security

Energy, oil, alternative fuels

Iran War on terror

Fight crime


Trade, trade deficit



Family values, morality

North Korea
Prescription drugs


Economy, jobs


Balance the budget

Illegal drugs


Cut Taxes


Don't know


In general, do you think the economy of the country is going in the right direction or is it off the wrong track?

Right direction

Wrong track

Don't know

How concerned are you personally about the economy?

Very concerned

Somewhat concerned

Not very concerned

Not at all concerned

Don't know


Please indicate whether you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of each of the following people

How favorable are you to .... ?

Very favorable | somewhat favorable | somewhat unfavorable | very unfavorable | Don't know

Stephen Spielberg

Ann Lewis

Hillary Clinton

John Kerry

Robert DeNiro

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Billy Crystal

Quincy Jones

Tony Bennett

Barbara Streisand

Bill Clinton

Madeline Albright

Sarah Jessica Parker

Chris Dodd

Bill Richardson

Chevy Chase

John Edwards

Rob Reiner

Patti Solis Doyle

Which of the following candidates would you vote for in the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008?

Mike Gravel

Dennis Kucinich

John Edwards

Chris Dodd

Joe Biden

Barack Obama

Hillary Clinton

Bill Richardson

Who is your second choice?

Mike Gravel

Dennis Kucinich

John Edwards

Chris Dodd

Joe Biden

Hillary Clinton

Bill Richardson

Which of the following candidates would you vote for for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008?

John Edwards

Hillary Clinton

Barack Obama

Don't know

Which of the following candidates would you vote for for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008?

Barack Obama

Hillary Clinton

Don't know

What actions have you taken already to get involved in the 2008 campaign for President?

Tried to convince friends to sign up for or participate with a campaign

Visited candidate websites

Organized a campaign event or campaign house party

Signed up to receive emails from campaigns

Made a campaign contribution

Attended campaign rallies or events


Don't know

Which of the following candidates or campaigns have you made contributions to this year?

John Edwards

Hillary Clinton

Barack Obama


None of the above

Don't know

Adding together all your political campaign contributions from the past year, how much do you think you have donated altogether?

Less than $50





More than $10,000

When are you most likely to get involved in the 2008 campaign for president?

Right away, already involved


February or later


Don't know

When are you most likely to make a presidential campaign contribution?


Before the end of the year


After it is clear who the nominee will be

Don't know

What actions are you likely to take in the next six months, but not right away?

Try to convince friends to sign up for or participate with a campaign

Visit candidate websites

Organize a campaign event or campaign house party

Sign up to receive emails from campaigns

Make a campaign contribution

Attend campaign rallies or events


Don't know

How likely are you to donate money to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign?

Very likely

Somewhat likely

Somewhat unlikely

Very unlikely

Don't know

Why or why not?

What is the soonest you are likely to make a contribution to Hillary Clinton's campaign for president?

Before the end of the year

Next year

Not at all

Don't know

How likely are you to donate money to Barack Obama's presidential campaign?

Very likely

Somewhat likely

Somewhat unlikely

Very unlikely

Don't know

How likely are you to donate money to John Edwards' presidential campaign?

Very likely

Somewhat likely

Somewhat unlikely

Very unlikely

Don't know

Which of these candidates or campaigns do you think is likely to raise the most money?

John Edwards

Hillary Clinton

Barack Obama


None of the above

Don't know

Which is closer to your view?

I would rather wait until we know who the Democratic and Republican nominees will be before I get really involved in the presidential campaign.

It is important to get involved now to help influence who the nominee is

Don't know

How likely is is that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee for president?

Very likely

Somewhat likely

Somewhat unlikely

Very unlikely

Don't know

How likely is it that Hillary Clinton will win in November 2008?

Very likely

Somewhat likely

Somewhat unlikely

Very unlikely

Don't know

You will now see some words and phrases. For each one, please indicate whether it applies most to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or John Edwards.

Willing to answer difficult questions

Can best lead us out of Iraq

A strong leader

Looks out for the middle class

Is prepared to handle the war on terrorism

Would stand up to special interests


Likely to win the Democratic nomination for President

Would do the best job on energy

Is running a negative campaign

Has the right position on Iran

Can get elected president

Cares about people like me

Would bring change

Has the experience to be president

Would do the best job on healthcare

Would stand up to President Bush and the Republicans in Congress

A candidate that I have real doubt and reservations about

An advocate for children and families

Has the right position on Iraq

Stands up for what he/she believes in

Would do the best job on the economy

Have you heard or read anything about Hillary Clinton in the news?



Don't Know

What did you hear?

Did what you heard (sic) or read make you much more favorable to Hillary Clinton, somewhat more favorable, somewhat less favorable, or much less favorable to Hillary Clinton?

What you read anything about Hillary Clinton in online blogs or forums?



Don't know

What did you hear?

Did what you read make you much more favorable to Hillary Clinton, somewhat more favorable, somewhat less favorable, or much less favorable to Hillary Clinton?

Have you read anything in newspapers or magazines about Hillary Clinton?

Generally speaking, does the candidate's character matter more in your decision to contribute, or do the candidate's policy positions matter more?

Candidate's character

Candidate's policy positions

Don't know

What issue or issues would spur you to make a donation to Hillary Clinton and why? Please be as specific as possible.

Now you will see some reasons to donate to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Please indicate if each would make you much more likely, somewhat more likely, somewhat less likely, or much less likely to donate to Hillary Clinton

More than 20 states will hold their primaries or caucuses on February 5th - Hillary Clinton needs your help to build her organization in these states and pave her way to the Democratic nominatio

Hillary Clinton is the best candidate and I want to help her become the next President of the United States

We have an opportunity to make history

Hillary Clinton needs your money to win

We have an opportunity to elect the first woman president

Hillary Clinton is the best person to beat the Republicans in 2008

It is important to make sure Hillary Clinton has the funds to defend herself against the Republican attack machine

Hillary Clinton's campaign needs your help to win the Iowa caucus and gain momentum going into the other early states and on until the convention

Other Democratic candidates are attacking Hillary Clinton and she needs the funds to defend herself

Right now it is a really close race in Iowa, and Hillary Clinton's campaign needs your help to make sure it has the money it needs to win the Iowa caucus

Right now it is a really close race for the Democratic nomination so every contribution, no matter the size, will put Hillary Clinton a little bit closer to being the nominee.

This is one of the most important election in our nation's history and Hillary Clinton needs your support to make sure that she makes it all the way to the White House

What, if any, concerns do you have about Hillary Clinton?

Now you will see some reasons why people might NOT want to contribute to Hillary Clinton's campaign

I don't want to give money to a candidate running a negative campaign, and Hillary Clinton is running a negative campaign

I don't know what Hillary Clinton's campaign is spending their money on

Hillary Clinton can't win, and I don't want to waste my money

I prefer to give my time instead of my money

Hillary Clinton has enough money - she doesn't need my help, she has a lot of big donors and my donation won't make a difference

It's too early - the election is still over almost a year away
After paying my bills and taking care of my obligations, I just can't afford to make a donation

Do you think Hillary Clinton is being attacked?



Don't know

Hillary Clinton has said that her opponents are attacking her because she is winning. Do you..

Strongly agree

Somewhat agree

Somewhat disagree

Strongly disagree

Do you think Hillary Clinton should stick to a positive campaign or should she draw sharp contrasts with her primary opponents if they are criticizing you

Stick to a positive campaign

Draw sharp contrasts

Thinking about people you know personally, whose opinion do you value most when it comes to politics?

Local political leaders, elected officials

Spouse, significant other,

Community leaders

Friends, neighbors coworkers

Religious leaders


Where do you get most of your news?


Friends, colleagues, family, neighbors






Which of the following candidate Websites have you signed up to receive emails from?

Hillary Clinton

Barack Obama

John McCain

John Edwards

Rudy Giuliani


None of the above

Which of the following have you done at

Signed up on the action center

Read blog

Made a financial contribution

Read news articles

Submitted a webchat question

Viewed recorded video

Viewed a webchat

Submitted a blog post

Which of the following you would be most interested in doing at

Reading news articles

Creating and submitting own video or TV ad

Viewing and downloading recorded videos

Submitting blog posts

Viewing live webchats

Making a finacnail contribution

Signing up for the action center

Creating and submitting own photos

Reading blog posts

Creating and submitting own print ad


None of the above

Don't know

What types of emails would you like to receive from the campaign?

Issue-based emails

Information about fundraising events

Campaign updates

Updates from early states like Iowa and New Hampshire

Volunteer opportunities

Contests and promotions

Television ad updates

Polling updates

Information about rallies


Don't know

What would you prefer?

Receiving emails from celebrities who support Hillary

Receiving emails from Hillary Clinton

Receiving emails from people who work on Hillary Clinton's campaign

Don't know

Would the chance of winning time with Hillary Clinton make you much more likely, somewhat more likely, somewhat less likely, or much less likely to donate to Hillary Clinton?

If your donation entered you into a contest with a celebrity supporter of Hillary Clinton,would this make you much more likely, somewhat more likely, somewhat less likely, or much less likely to donate to Hillary Clinton?

Which of the following celebrity supporters would you most like to win time with?

Sarah Jessica Parker

Steven Spielberg

Quincy Jones

Barbra Streisand

Madeline Albright

Tony Bennett

Billy Crystal

Robert F. Kennedy, JR

Chevy Chase

Barbra Streisand

Robert DeNiro

Rob Reiner

Don't know

Which is closer to your view?

I don't like contests like these because too many people enter and I never win

Contests like these are a fun and different way to get involved in a presidential campaign

Don't know

Which of the following have you done or would you do online?

Watch campaign commercials or other campaign videos

Make an online contribution

Join an online community

Read or post to blogs

Chat about politics

Sign up to receive newsletters or other emails

Email a candidate or campaign

Learn about a candidate

Sign online petitions


Don't know

None of the above

Which of the following social networking sites do you use or have a profile on?





Which of the following have you visited or played online?

Sim City

Second Life


None of the above


Don't know

Which activities do you do online most?

Research issues or questions

Use a webcam

Share digital photos

Download music or video

Read or post to blogs

Research products or services

Watch video sites like youtube



Read the news

Play video games

Instant message

Online banking or bill pay

Use online social networks

Talk on the phone using VOiP

Now thinking about the 2004 Democratic presidential primary, for whom did you vote?

Joe Lieberman

Wesley Clark

John Kerry

Howard Dean

Al Sharpton

John Edwards

Didn't vote


don't know

Age range

Liberal, moderate, or conservative?

How much school?





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