Chinese restaurant

“There was the actor who dropped out of the Hellboy role. Everyone was like ‘he’s such a hero! He’s my hero!’ The truth is, what he did was valiant but he’s not a hero. He was scared,” actress Awkwafina said.
"Knowing that my parents work so hard makes me want to work a little harder too."
It stands for monosodium glutamate, but there's a lot more to it.
The backlash against his Santa Cruz business is an example of "terrorizing white European Americans into silence," the owner says.
Women who wear A-cup bras were offered a 5 percent discount, while G-cup wearers could get a 65 percent price cut.
Since my parents didn’t speak English fluently, I was in charge of taking orders, waitressing and was the face of the restaurant.
Eat all the bao, but recognize the history of indentured servitude behind it.
The irony, she says, is that two of the four new Chinese-themed emoji are not Chinese Chinese, but instead reflect Westernized elements of Chinese culture.
Chinese and Jewish people both understood “what it’s like to be outsiders" on Christmas.