Health system

People are now left wondering whether health care systems are playing favorites with the much-sought-after vaccines.
When the economy goes bad, coverage gets even harder to keep. More than 20 million could become uninsured this year.
"Trump has no plan. Never has. Never will," the spot from progressive PAC MeidasTouch says.
Italian health officials reported its deadliest day so far with 793 dead from the pandemic.
More than 70 million Americans have been restricted to their homes to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
New York governor warns that the health care system is about to be overwhelmed.
Potential shortages of ICU beds, ventilators and staff are all big concerns.
DOJ lawyers scramble to postpone until after Election Day the possible upheaval of the Affordable Care Act, which would affect 20 million people.
“It’s a one-sided assault,” said a progressive member of Congress.
The medical field still falls short of providing proper care to transgender patients. This is especially true for OB/GYN services.