payroll tax

The president's deferral of Social Security taxes for federal workers is creating administrative headaches with virtually no economic benefit.
That payroll tax “holiday” is really a short-term loan — which means smaller paychecks next year.
The president's gambit gives Democrats a potent attack line just months away from the November election.
Nebraska's Ben Sasse comes after Trump again after blasting his executive actions as "unconstitutional slop."
“This is something that was thrown together by somebody who has paid no attention to how these things actually work."
Americans were looking for "relief." Instead the president promised to defund Social Security and Medicare, said a Florida lawmaker.
The first round of coronavirus aid is running out.
“Americans need cash now … and I mean now, in the next two weeks,” the treasury secretary said of coronavirus relief efforts.
Republicans seem more likely to go along with paid sick leave before Democrats agree to a payroll tax cut.
The White House seems worried that looking worried about the economy will worry people.