Sexual predator

Robert Wayne Lee, also known as "Boopac Shakur" online, would pose as a 15-year-old girl online as he reportedly aimed to catch sexual predators.
"DENIED!" tweeted Andrea Constand, who the disgraced comedian was convicted of assaulting.
At his rape trial in New York, the accused serial sexual predator chose not to tell his own story at the risk of having prosecutors grill him on cross-examination.
Diana Falzone, Gretchen Carlson and Julie Roginsky rebuked Hannity for "all but begging his network to rehire an accused sexual predator."
In her final House floor speech, Rep. Katie Hill called out accused male sexual predators who remain in power, including President Donald Trump.
David Poulson, one of over 300 "predator priests" within the state's Catholic Church, faces 14 years in prison.
A sexual violence expert explains why our sole focus on serial predators does a disservice to survivors.
McKenna Denson interrupted a church meeting to accuse leaders of covering for a "sexual predator."
The "psychological and emotional impact is forever," the official said.
Some of the actresses who came forward with sexual assault claims against the once powerful Hollywood mogul responded with both surprise and relief.