Zone 3

The "Seinfeld" star said the incident happened when her water broke.
Experts explain the main habits you need to be mindful of if you want to keep your brain as sharp as possible.
Though she's glad she had kids, the talk show host appeared exasperated by the thought of Arizona lawmakers preventing others from making their own choice.
Plus, how parents and teens feel about screen time — both their own and each other's.
Treat yourself to the freshest, brightest scent that will stay on your clothes for days.
This infuriating concept explains a lot. Here's what to do about it.
It’s hard to imagine that fruit juice is nutritionally on par with Coca-Cola. But ... is it? Here's what experts say.
"Rule #27 of marriage is clear: Dessert that is mine is only mine; dessert that is his is also mine."
New research looks at how much time — emotional labor, even — women spend decoding men's texts and communication.
This lightweight, versatile vacuum works wonders on fur, dust, dirt and more.
"Welcome to your 40s, you pee now 'just in case.'"
There are many reasons people 'fext,' but is it detrimental? Therapists weigh in.
These words — and the assumption behind them — are surprisingly toxic to relationships.
Got insomnia? Sleep psychologists share a few unconventional tips that will help you get those Zzzs.
There's something for every mother on this list.
Kourtney Kardashian recently said she drank breast milk to keep from getting sick. Here's what doctors think.
"Not to brag or anything, but I can cause a tantrum just by giving my kid exactly what he asked for."
You and your family will be just as well nourished by these store-bought items as their homemade counterparts.
This tennis-like sport is a fun, low-impact way to exercise and only requires a ball and paddle.
"As a kid, if your parents drove by it and stopped, you knew you were in for a treat."