How to Make Things Less Complicated by Using Our Instincts and Intuition

Your inner voice that tells you that you can accomplish something is a positive and healthy one. The more you listen to it and trust it, the more likely you will be successful at whatever you're attempting to do.
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I don't really like using instructional manuals when I have to put something together, especially the ones that look like mini-encyclopedias. I prefer using my instincts and intuition to figure it out, which is said to be our "knowing pointing the way." We're born with both intuition and instincts. The difference between the two, supposedly, is that intuition is something we gain through experience, and instinct isn't based on having any prior experience; however, they are words often used interchangeably, and both skills can be extremely helpful in our lives.

Following directions from a manual can be useful, even necessary at times, especially when something has a lot of steps, but sometimes it seems that the instructions can almost make things more complicated.

One time I was putting together a clothing rack and was following the directions, and when it came time to put in the screws, there weren't any. I checked the list of the contents and it said that eight screws were included, but after searching each individual bag of contents a few times, I was absolutely certain there were none, and was prepared to go back to the store and get another clothing rack and start over. I finally found a little piece of paper at the bottom of the box that said the screws were already screwed in to the bar and you can "omit step five in the instructions." Good to know. It made me wonder how many people put together the contents, and if the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing, which it seemed like in that particular instance, you end up with a little piece of paper at the bottom of a box telling you what you need to know, if you' re lucky! I think that's why I've gotten used to listening to my intuition a lot of the time when I'm figuring out how to work something because sometimes I feel that things are made more complicated than they need to be, and since I consider myself capable of figuring out most things, why not give it a try. If I happen to get stuck and need to use a manual, it's there to refer to -- plus, it can just be fun to challenge ourselves to figure it out on our own, like a Rubik's cube.

Using our instincts and intuition is also a good thing to practice, and like strengthening any muscle, the more we use it, the more it works in our favor. It's also good to develop our intuition since we live in a time when things seem to be getting more complicated each day with the sophisticated and advanced technology we have, and by using our instincts and developing our intuition, it can help us be better equipped to problem-solve. It also helps us if we find ourselves facing a difficult situation and unsure about what to do. A good way to approach anything we're dealing with that might be hard or even stressful is to listen to our intuition. It can tell us what's best for ourselves, and can even stop us from making the wrong choices. Being able to rely on good instincts and sharp intuition skills can definitely help you when you find yourself having to think quickly on your feet to make wise decisions. And even if you are using a manual to put something together that seems impossible to do without it, using your instincts and intuition will help you move through it that much quicker.

Here are some ways to use your instincts and intuition to help you with your daily life, and be able to minimize complications and difficulty in the areas you may need to.

1. See yourself as a problem solver, and approach things assuming you can figure them out.

2. Listen to the voice in your head that's telling you what to do and try it. If it's a wrong choice, try it again another way.

3. Acknowledge if you feel confident in your decision or insecure. If you feel confident, trust that feeling, if you feel insecure, don't act on it.

4. Don't doubt or overanalyze your decision if you're convinced it's correct. If it feels right, stick to it.

5. Tell yourself "I can do it!" Believing that you can do something helps make it a reality.

6. See the finished product in your mind. Imagine it looking exactly as you envisioned it.

7. Try and use good old logic. Some things just make sense when it comes to how they're supposed to work. You wouldn't put a wheel on a bike without securing it with nuts and bolts. If you follow your common sense it will guide you to figure most things out.

8. Give yourself credit for acting on your intuition or going by your instincts when it's worked for you. By saying something like "I'm glad I listened to my gut" or "followed my hunch," you're reinforcing your ability to use your intuition and instincts.

Your inner voice that tells you that you can accomplish something is a positive and healthy one. The more you listen to it and trust it, the more likely you will be successful at whatever you're attempting to do.

We all have the gifts of instinct and intuition. We can either chose to use or ignore them. Personally, I like to use them as much as I can. I believe it's like having an inner flashlight, guiding us to what we are fully capable of. And the good news is it doesn't require a manual to know how to use them. It just needs having faith in ourselves.

For more by Ora Nadrich, click here.

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