Technologies of the future on infoShare

Technologies of the future on infoShare
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When I look into the future, I don't know what it will be like. I don't know how self-driving cars will affect Gdansk and its traffic. I don't know how crypto-currencies will change the way our entrepreneurs conduct business. I don't know how technology will influence the way we communicate with residents. What I know is that we should expect the unexpected and start to look for answers immediately. A great place for it is infoShare, an event I opened today.


For three days, 5,000 tech professionals, developers, entrepreneurs and innovation leaders from all over the world will discuss challenges that lie ahead. Every year in May I can't wait to meet all these great people, who are shaping our future. They set industry trends and lead public opinion in the field of technology. Meeting them is a perfect opportunity to learn firsthand what can be expected.

There is no need to mention how important such knowledge is for the mayor and the city hall.

Technology is affecting the ways we manage our cities, commute to work, do business, and interact with other people. The significance of it will be increasing.

Today, at the conference opening, I could sense big energy, courage, and optimism exuded by the participants. That lets me think our future is in the right hands. I said to our guests that they were not only coders or entrepreneurs. They are leaders of the future, who can work out great ideas for better Gdansk, Poland, Europe. Technology and innovation are critical for the future of Gdansk economy and we want to approach it "neither rashly nor timidly", as it is put in our city's coat of arms.To all the participants of infoShare, I wish you a good time in Gdansk, the city of freedom, where we look into the future without fear.

2016-05-18-1463571703-663379-infosharetn2.jpgMany participants of infoShare arrived by bike

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