Whiplash for Wolf Blitzer

Liberals and their media friends had decided that Palin wasn't qualified to be a mom let alone the next VP. But Palin came on strong and proved that small town American values are not hokey.
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within the first few minutes of palin's speech my phone started to light up with text messages. I could instantly tell that my liberal friends (and there are many) were nervous. palin the future president and next vice-president of the United States had something to say. the messages started with simple admissions like "she's doing well." As the humored filled speech unfolded my text messages increased. "she's doing well" became "wow." The evening ended with scared muses and hostile phrases like "we still have 2 more months" and "but how many hockey moms could there actually be in america." the liberals were scared.

How could one speech completely change their mind and make them go from laughing at Palin to fearing her? Palin was confident, funny, real and 100% American. Their whiplash over the last 48 hours was made more evident by the media's simplicity and their group think about Palin. Wolf Blitzer's bias came out like I've never seen.....he and CNN gambled that Palin was going down so they piled on her all day over the last several days. They questioned the "vetting process" and her qualifications -- they decided she wasn't up to the job. They reported on each other reporting about the rumors. It was a media circus made for CNN television. As US Weekly stories became worthy of political commentating, the frenzy about Palin's pro-life stance became straight-faced diatribes that questioned her parental skills. Grown feminists were asking if a woman with young children should be able to be VP. it was totally out of hand and the liberals were living in their own world as Wolf kept talking. was this the party of Hillary? Nope, it was the new Democratic Party of Obama where the radical left is in control.

Enter Palin -- the hockey mom and beauty queen knows what to do when her enemies are distracted by their own frenzy. she clearly knows how to take the pressure. but the media actually helped Palin out. they lowered expectations for themselves and their viewers and forced a "crisis" for McCain. reading the graphics on CNN and MSNBC earlier this morning led viewers to believe there was a crisis. my liberal friends were ecstatic: "she's a joke" one said. Liberals and their media friends had decided that Palin wasn't qualified to be a mom let alone the next VP. the media fed itself -- every outlet trying to pile on even more -- with little individual reporting. reporters told me that Palin would be out by friday.

But Palin came on strong and proved that small town American values are not hokey. She showed that her sound judgment and real world experience had more in common with regular people than obama's radical left. she gave voice to the parents of special needs children, economically struggling families, women who work because they have to, career women who choose to work, parents who don't miss their children's sporting events and rural America. she demonstrated that her appeal should not be underestimated as it was over the last couple of days. she proved you can be simple and strong, loving and ready to fight, a woman and a proud republican. as the east coast media elites and their liberal friends try and dismiss her as unqualified, Palin proved she understands America more than Obama. she is proud of her country even as she tries to improve it. and at the end of the day, she proved that her selection not only energized the base of the republican voters but extended a hand to the independents too.

the same reporter who first told me that "she'd be toast by Friday" told me after tonight's speech that Obama must be wishing that McCcain had picked Pawlenty.

What a country!

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