I Am Taking Crazy Pills, March Edition

I Am Taking Crazy Pills, March Edition
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align="left">Day after day, I am finding it harder and harder to snark
out a 1,000-word dissection of today's political lunacy. After awhile,
shit all just seems to smash together into a massive, multiplayer
blur, and what once was up is now down and vice-versa. So, on this
dying Friday in a March full of something soundly furious yet
signifying nothing, I offer you these shotgun blasts from this month's
chaos, and hope you get pissed enough to bother your neighbors,
friends and senators about them. I'll do this every month, just to get
it out of my system and out of my head. You should do the same. It
works wonders:

Fence Firm Hired Illegals, href="http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20070330-124512-2035r.htm"
target="blank">Washington Times

Is it just me, or is this the
death of irony? It's one thing to sniff the glue and think that the
only immigrants that are allowed to call themselves Americans are your
grandparents. But to make the very people you are scheming to keep out
of the country build your fence around it is some serious bullshit.
The principals who were busted? Get this: Home imprisonment and a
fine. Nice. They can bitch at their Mexicans from the comfort of their
own living rooms now. Only in America!

Monica Goodling: One of 150 Pat
Robertson Cadres in the Bush Administration

Max Blumenthal, href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/max-blumenthal/monica-goodling-one-of-1_b_44588.html"
God, I heard you were dead. Some dude called Nietzsche said it to me
in a book. But he was totally full of shit. According to news I hear
almost every day, fundamentalist Christians are running the country
and starting wars with fundamentalist Muslims. Each one says the other
one started it, like little bitches. Someone should get the teacher
into the room so we can get class back on again. We never finished
climate science, and I hear href="http://blog.wired.com/underwire/2007/03/memo_to_shangha.html"
target="blank">something scary is going on
in that field.

Mind How You Walk. It Could Be a
, href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main.jhtml;jsessionid=412IWNQ4YVP5JQFIQMGCFFOAVCBQUIV0?xml=/opinion/2007/03/26/do2602.xml"
target="blank">UK Telegraph
Dystopian sci-fi predicting the surveillance state has a long and
storied history. The problem is that people, especially in the United
States where the reality deficiency runs high, think that it's still
sci-fi. It's not. href="http://www.childrenofmen.net" target="blank">Children of
was a documentary. I'm not lying.

And finally, as my pal Riz said to me as he sent me this hilarious
nugget, here's one only Prison Planet will touch:

Gonzales Implicated In Cover-Up Of New
Pedophile Scandal
, href="http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2007/260307pedophilescandal.htm"
target="blank">Prison Planet
Oh man, this would be sweet! Alberto VO5 is so oily, Halliburton would
love for Dick Cheney to bomb the shit out of him so they could rebuild
him. The six-billion dollar hatchet man. But he's just the tip of
Bush's iceberg, that much is becoming obvious. From nutjob
evangelicals to Texas cleaners -- the kind that carry guns,
legislative and otherwise -- the Bush clan is stacked with dangerous
sociopaths. And href="http://www.morphizm.com/observations/levine/levine_objectiveless.html">they
like to start wars to make money. And then start more. If you
think they are going to bow to nonbinding resolutions or go gently
into that good night, you are fooling not only yourself but those
around you.

This is going to get worse before it gets better. Remember that.

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