Q & A

I finally found the question that seems to confound rightwing haters, revisionist feebs, desperate birthers, confused lint-trap emptiers, joyful boil-lancers, stinky deathers, sad lateral-lispers, dyed-in-the-wool racists, and otherwise godawful GOP lemmings.
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I finally found the question that seems to confound rightwing haters, revisionist feebs, desperate birthers, confused lint-trap emptiers, joyful boil-lancers, stinky deathers, sad lateral-lispers, dyed-in-the-wool racists, and otherwise godawful GOP lemmings:

"Can you tell me any time in this nation's history that the policies proffered by the current GOP have ever been put into effect and yielded the advertised results?"

Anyone? Hello? Crickets.

Now, I tweet, I blog, I belch, I fart all manner of cranky, Lefty opinions (all of which are dead-on clever, by the way), most of which elicit supportive responses from those who are of a similar ideological persuasion, as well as responses from folks who rather strenuously disagree. And when I say "strenuously," I am referring to the amount of effort required to expel the deep-seated rage that lay at the core of many of these delightful dissenters through their pursed and crusty mouth-holes (side note: anyone wanting to use "Pursed and Crusty" for commercial use please see me afterward). And judging from the bile-stream's PSI, "strenuously" is, like all my left-leaning opinions, one, on-the-frikkin'-money description.

But that one query -- "Can you tell me any time in this nation's history that the policies proffered by the current GOP have ever been put into effect and yielded the advertised results?" -- pretty much seems to stump 'em.

I mean, obviously some so-called conservative smarty-pants could come along and answer that question with a barrage of densely syllabic data and a terrifying waterfall of numbers that would deter any Wallenda from tightrope-walking over, for, like (noted Republican) Kevin Costner said in the film JFK: "Theoretical physics can prove an elephant can hang from a cliff with its tail tied to a daisy." I have no doubt a case could be made that there has indeed not only been a time but many times in which the current crop of Republican policies has been implemented and produced the sincerely advertised results.

But to those without the benefit of an inbred xenophobic world view and access to an infrastructure that nurtures it into a dangerously deceived tool of corporate controlled rightwing apparatchiks bent on turning America into a third world, guntastic mall and all its citizens into overweight, intellectually deprived, techno-fetishized online shoppers, I ask you:

"Can you tell me any time in this nation's history that the policies proffered by the current GOP have ever been put into effect and yielded the advertised results?"

Or more specifically:

"Has Reaganomics ever really 'trickled' downwards?"

"Has cutting taxes for the wealthiest Americans ever resulted in those same Americans generously reinvesting their profits back into the economy?" (Please state examples.)

"Has a reduction in regulations ever encouraged industries to police themselves in regards to their environmental impact?" (Please cite specifics.)

"Has disbanding unions ever increased and/or made more secure workers' wages and benefits?" (Facts, please, mister.)

"Has the institutionalization of Judeo-Christian values ever made our nation more secure, its citizens more responsible, its culture more caring?"

"Has dismantling health services geared toward helping the poor, the elderly and women resulted in less poverty, less sickness, lower health costs or fewer unwanted pregnancies?"

"Has a large reduction in taxes ever resulted in less class disparity and better roads, more emergency responders, cleaner national parks and improved the infrastructure?"

I know all this reeks of snarkiness. Hell, I was born jeering.

But I also actually, truly want to know, so that real conversations based on factual foundations with people who are willing to participate in a civil dialogue can at last be experienced by the masses, as opposed to the grandstanding and spectacle that we've come to accept from a media bent on keeping everyone well entertained rather than well informed.

Because without that basic criteria, how can we seriously live our lives as Americans participating in the greatest experiment in Democracy civilization has ever managed to maintain? Huh? How?

Can you answer me that?

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