
For everyone who is trans, nonbinary, gender-nonconforming, or questioning their gender identity, this project is for you.
"My only two rules were that I had to set alarms for random minutes of each day, and I had to photograph the exact task I was doing when they went off," says photographer Justin J. Wee.
As New York has been slowly coming back to life, so have some elements of the tourism industry. But it’s nowhere close to what it once was.
Photographers returned to scenes they photographed before 2020. This multimedia project highlights contrasting images, reminding us of a way of life that once was.
George Nobechi was at a crossroads in his life. What he found resonates more than ever in a shut-down world.
Hardly any ice covered the Great Lakes this winter. Is this the new normal?
Agence France-Presse's Ed Jones has been photographing North Korean citizens since 2016.