
Race officials told the teen that she needed to have a written waiver in order to compete, even though she'd never been asked for one before.
Kyle Allen was booked in San Diego on battery and hate crime charges in an assault on three Muslim women.
Plus: Chanel Miller tells her own story after Brock Turner trial.
When Fatima Asmaa Paciotti first began selling Muslim clothing in this northern Italy town, many right-wing locals were skeptical.
Air Canada agents discriminated against Fatima Abdelrahman by forcing her to take her hijab off in a public space, CAIR's San Francisco Bay Area chapter alleges.
Kathy Zhu, who held the title for just one day, is now defending comments targeting black and Muslim people.
Many officials including teachers and cops won’t be able to wear hijabs, kippas or other religious symbols on the job, thanks to Quebec’s new Bill 21.
Mona Eltahawy criticizes “hijab solidarity” and suggests focusing on eradicating Islamophobia, misogyny and hatred within their own families and communities.
“No one’s commitment to our constitution should be questioned because of their faith or country of birth," the Democratic lawmaker wrote in a tweet.